Red Dead Wiki

Benjamin Earl es un personaje del multijugador de Red Dead Redemption.


Benjamin Earl es un miembro de la banda de Walton que puede ser seleccionado en el vestidor. Es desbloqueado al llegar al nivel 2 y en algunas ocasiones en el nivel 4 del multijugador.


  • "I always say that the Lord can help anyone, but you might be too far gone."
  • "Why do we always smell you two minutes before we see you?"
  • "I met some buzzards who were looking for you."
  • "The Lord doesn't tolerate the unnatural."
  • "We are like the casting between the blessed and the damned."
  • "You always arrive two minutes after the flies do! Why is that?"
  • "He really works in a mysterious way, but he made you."
  • "You have a mighty weird cloud circling your head"
  • "There marbles rattling inside your head?"


  • En el modo un jugador usa el mismo modelo que Cody Witlow
Benjamin Earl