So I hope this post Don't cause several people who like Sadie to get angry but I'm not saying I don't like her, but I don't ENJOY her at all. From her first scene, I did feel a bit of remorse for her when her husband was killed, and I often greeted her at camp when I saw her. Then I kinda liked her through chapter three to six, until Epilogue Part 1 and 2. That was my first playthrough. Second time around, just the same, but my third time however, well, that changed. I'm not saying I hate or dislike Sadie, I just sometimes can't stand her. I still feel remorse for her and what happened to her husband, bla bla bla, but I quickly saw her as being just a angry widow who is reckless and will let some die in order for her to reach her vendetta of killing the ones who killed her husband. But because of this, it betrays the message of "Redemption" and "Revenge is a luxury we can't afford/Revenge is a fool's game." And also, her vendetta costs some people's life. That poor pilot Arturo Bollard was killed because Sadie went after some O'Driscolls and she quickly lost her temper by kinda blowing their cover and starting a shootout when Colm O'Driscoll (Dutch's enemy) was hanged and she decided to kill the two O'Driscolls that were held by both her and Dutch. I mean, as I said, I don't hate her or dislike her, I do like her, but sometimes I can't enjoy her and I can be annoyed at her. The writing staff over at Rockstar just REALLY attempted to make Sadie a badass, something I wish they never tried to do. I mean, they are famous with their brilliant character development for many characters in their games but they really didn't do it with Sadie because they just attempted to make a reckless, angry and sad widow into a badass character, which they really failed miserably at.