314 Votes in Poll
That time I walked into a geyser and the game made the loud death noise was like a jump scare. I don't remember most of the camp characters other than the main ones. Hosea's death was kind of lame, so I'll vote for that one.
Wait wait wait you bring up this geyser fiasco and end with Hosea? I wanna know more about this geyser, details my friend lol
Well now, that's an interesting story.
Naturally it was night time (it's always night time), and because this game's lighting is so realistic, having a lantern out actually reduces how far you can see due to simulated dilation of the eyes. That was my first mistake. I had my lantern out and couldn't see squat. Then I came upon some geysers I had never encountered before.
My second mistake was going up to one of these geysers and planning to stand on it until I got launched into the air. I thought it would be fun. As it turns out, geysers have these things called "holes". Still not quite sure why a geyser would need a hole, but go figure. I fell into the geyser, it made the loud death noise, and a big red "DEAD" showed up. It startled me initially, having just gone from riding and chilling to instant death in the darkness, but it was hilarious once I realized what I had just done. I literally walked into a geyser like a dumbass.
Lmao^ Dude the shit you can get yourself into even just casually playing is quite a trip sometimes. Though my favorite is watching my horse at full sprint dodge a forest of trees, but going 0-60 and that fucker becomes magnetically attracted to a stump for the most brutally insane crash possible
Horse crashes were funny the first few times, but tripping over pebbles every minute and not being able to go where you want to go got old pretty quick. I wish there was a setting for auto-horse while riding.
Oh agreed, especially when he somehow flips and lands on your bounty. The other day we went over a cliff but I got saved by a ledge, and got to watch my horse tumble down a mountain. Wasn’t even mad lol
Personally since I had the game somewhat spoiled to me, I think for me Molly had the most surprising death to me. She just walks up into camp and while they are talking Grimshaw just blows her stomach open.
Hey but she knew the rules lol
Molly. I was so pisssed at Susan that I would take every opportunity to make Arthur insult her
Seans all the way with lenny and hosea we knew might die they were doing a bank robbery and thay could die molly came in to say that shit at the worst time possible while the camp members are just leaving and turining on eachother kierian went missing hinting at a death and sean all he did was go to a possible job offer he died because because of bill and michas stupidty but tbf that was likely michas plan to kill bill arthur and sean there possibly