It's not because she is a woman. If she was Jake Adler avenging Sadie Adler, I would cringe just as hard. It's because she is supposed to be this ultimate badass you cannot have your own opinion on. She asks Arthur to help her shoot up a camp that's realistically like 3 days from Beaver Hollow just for revenge when it could lead to, IDK, the Pinkertons investigating and trailing you back to camp. If it ain't obvious Sadie. those O'Driscolls aren't the ones who killed your husband. The ones who did were killed a long time ago at the beginning of the game by Arthur, Dutch, and Micah. It's not like clearing out a couple of O'Driscolls in a rural ass ranch at the edge of the game world is gonna Thanos snap the others out of existence. Then there's the fact she whined about having to be Pearson's kitchen aid in Clemens Point. Cooking food for the same gang that has fed and cleaned and protected her just out of kindness. After she complains her way to Rhodes, she makes enemies with the Lemoyne Raiders when she could've spared the gang of any trouble and paid the toll that was probably only like a few dollars. She then shoots up a crowd in the game's largest city with the most powerful police force just for the hell of it. Literally the first scene of her in the epilogue is her stabbing someone's hand. Ooh so scary, like the player hasn't done far worse in free roam. And the shot where she had blood all over her with a "dead inside 🤓" expression on her face is just so cringe. Honestly Sadie sucks and is just a Mary Sue who's character is solely meant to send some kind of feminist message (which isn't wrong, but it just feels so forced. Her character is written to have zero flaws and ends up being one of the worst characters in the game.) And everytime you criticize her on internet forums, there is always some coomer who calls you a misogynist and whatnot.