Like, I've seen literal fanfics with John and Abigail to which she's just slandered. Why? Like everyone just say she nags but she literally just cares for John and doesn't want him to go die.
Like, I've seen literal fanfics with John and Abigail to which she's just slandered. Why? Like everyone just say she nags but she literally just cares for John and doesn't want him to go die.
^ I cant tell if this is a joke haha.
She is a little inconsistent:
Gets mad at John for getting back their stolen wagon.
Reprimands John for defending a man who was being beaten.... right in-front of the man he saved.
Is livid at John for defending Pronghorn Ranch (where they lived at).
Leaves John after defending their son against people who want to kill them.
Married John after he went after Micah. Yes she protested and cried, but when he came back, she hugged him and married him.
Bear in mind that his actions at Pronghorn Ranch had strong justification, that being either self-defense or defending others. But the game sides with Abigail and as such, the fans side with her in those instances.
John going after Micah was purely due to pride and selfishness on John's part and Abigail was actually right to stop him. The game signals that going after Micah is ultimately what led to the Bureau to find John, meaning the game actual sides with Abigail here.
But since fans hate Micah for killing Arthur, the fans side with John in that instance.
Obviously, with any given community, there's unfortunately going to be bigots. But to imply that the people who dislike Abigail do so because she's a woman is ridiculous. I've seen plenty of female players dislike Abigail.
Your point would work if Abigail had the same reaction to John going after Micah as she did with John during the Pronghorn Ranch section.
But she doesn't.
I only played RDR2 (the best game in the world), but I think I have a good knowledge of the game's universe to talk about their relationship.
When Abigail leaves John with Jack in Epilogue 1, I started to hate the character, even though I had empathy for her previously. She abandoned John because he kept unintentionally getting into trouble and took his son in the process. I know she temporarily dumped him for the sake of their family, but if I were in John's shoes, I would never have built the ranch and lived the way I wanted. In my view, if she really loved John the way she appears to, she would stay with him, but she would try in other ways to make him stop getting into trouble.
Epilogue 2 is where I definitely started to hate the character. John, out of love or not, built a giant ranch and Abigail comes with John's son who she took away with her to live on JOHN'S RANCH. That ranch belongs to John, Abigail has no right to go live there, because she abandoned him and took his son with her.
Abigail cares a lot about John because she is apparently madly in love with him, but she only cares about him in the "right way" while we play with Arthur, because when we play with John she is a witch.
I actually feel her problem lies elsewhere. Sure, John built the house, but he decided that it was both his *and* Abigail's. It was his decision.
Instead, her problem is inconsistent responses to John's actions in the Pronghorn Ranch section and her response after John kills Micah, as I highlighted in my previous comment.
Yeah I agree with the guy above, John made the ranch for Abigail so she kinda couldn't ignore him. And also thank you all guys I swear to god this community make absolute rereadable paragraphs to a silly little question I was thinking about 😭🙏
I agree with you in part, but in a way, she only reacted the way she was supposed to react. Her husband (they hadn't gotten married yet, but you get the idea) went after a guy they only had a few clues as to where he was to kill him, "honoring" the life they had now (according to John, given the Arthur and Sadie's choices).
Her hugging him and marrying him right away is the least she should have done. She loves John and cares about him, so her hugging him when she sees he's alive is the least. They were going to get married soon after, so...
But I agree that her reactions to John's actions are disproportionate. He was defending the ranch he worked and lived on with his family, he was saving their son's life, and he had recovered their wagon that had been stolen.
Either way, John is very lucky to have a woman who loves him so much and cares about him so much in his life.
Maybe Abigail's problem is caring too much, but Dutch said that doesn't exist.
Sorry if I'm a little confused in my words, perhaps I'm not thinking much about what I'm saying.
@Equivalent-Ambition I don't see anything inconsistent in her attitude at Pronghorn Ranch vs. her attitude toward John pursuing Micah. At Pronghorn, she doesn't want him getting mixed up in violent confrontations that could get him hurt, or killed, or brought to the attention of the law. At the end, she doesn't want him pursuing Micah and getting himself killed for no good reason. She just wants a nice, quiet, peaceful life with her husband and son.
The John/Abigail conflict in the epilogue is a nuanced situation where both of them are right, and both of them are wrong. But a lot of people--gamers, in particular, it seems--have a problem dealing with stories like that. They want a clear good guy, and a clear bad guy. One side to be right, and one side to be wrong. We're playing as John, and we have a strong connection to John from the first game, so players naturally take his side. They understand the reasons for why he's doing the things he's doing, and they're not really interested in considering the reasons why Abigail feels the way she does. She's just the annoying woman trying to make John--and us, the player--feel bad for doing this stuff, and players have no patience for a character like that.
You're missing my point. It's not her attitude with John *pursuing* Micah (which is consistent with the Pronghorn Ranch section).
It's her attitude *after* John has killed Micah.
After John killed Micah and returned to Beecher's Hope, she doesn't admonish him for pursing Micah. She hugs him and then marries him.
*That* is not consistent with the Pronghorn Ranch section. If it was, then she would take Jack and leave John.
Never marry a prostitute
What do you think?