Like, I've seen literal fanfics with John and Abigail to which she's just slandered. Why? Like everyone just say she nags but she literally just cares for John and doesn't want him to go die.
Like, I've seen literal fanfics with John and Abigail to which she's just slandered. Why? Like everyone just say she nags but she literally just cares for John and doesn't want him to go die.
I think it’s mostly due to her being the world’s biggest hypocrite. She acts all high and mighty toward John, treating him like crap throughout the whole story. John throughout the first part of RDR2 is literally trying to find his purpose in life and how to be a better man for his kid and future wife. Abigail sees none of that, she only sees what John has already previously done to them. Abigail herself however DOESNT CHANGE AT ALL. She wants everyone to change for her but she doesn’t want to change. She’s still the same dumb lady who was an illiterate prostitute that had a baby with a gang member. And now she’s trying to treat John as if he’s all wrong. Hypocrite
A decent portion of the community simply just hates women.
@Dildoguy - oohhhh thx yeah I thought it was just people hated her due to getting a bad impression from rdr1 with the whole attention wanting type personality and Old Friends, New Problems
@H. Roosevelt - haha yeah I keep seeing a bunch of kids who think they're so sigma commenting some deep ahh comment on a video showing how Abigail gets angry when John leaves pronghorn or gets a wanted level. something along the lines of "oh yeah women always play the victim and try blame you when you're at your lowest."
Because she doesn't realize that she's married to a videogame protagonist, and the people playing that protagonist just wanna run around and do cool outlaw stuff. For some weird reason, she seems to not want her husband to keep doing things that could get him murdered, arrested and put away for life, or hung, leaving her on her own, trying to raise and support her son in an era when there wasn't a lot of opportunities for women.
I guess she's just selfish. (/s)
^ I cant tell if this is a joke haha.
She is a little inconsistent:
Gets mad at John for getting back their stolen wagon.
Reprimands John for defending a man who was being beaten.... right in-front of the man he saved.
Is livid at John for defending Pronghorn Ranch (where they lived at).
Leaves John after defending their son against people who want to kill them.
Married John after he went after Micah. Yes she protested and cried, but when he came back, she hugged him and married him.
Bear in mind that his actions at Pronghorn Ranch had strong justification, that being either self-defense or defending others. But the game sides with Abigail and as such, the fans side with her in those instances.
John going after Micah was purely due to pride and selfishness on John's part and Abigail was actually right to stop him. The game signals that going after Micah is ultimately what led to the Bureau to find John, meaning the game actual sides with Abigail here.
But since fans hate Micah for killing Arthur, the fans side with John in that instance.
Obviously, with any given community, there's unfortunately going to be bigots. But to imply that the people who dislike Abigail do so because she's a woman is ridiculous. I've seen plenty of female players dislike Abigail.
Your point would work if Abigail had the same reaction to John going after Micah as she did with John during the Pronghorn Ranch section.
But she doesn't.
What do you think?