Now hear me out - Tall Tress is the best part of the RDR2 map AS SOON AS you've attained 100% completion. I could never abandon my first playthrough save, so I just keep roaming around with John. And the place I might've spent the most time in is actually Tall Trees. People always hate on the place because of the Skinners and because it's sCaRy... did y'all actually play RDR1? This place was always dark and foggy there, one million stealthy psycho bears spawned out of nowhere and that haunting Cochinay theme always sent chills through my body. RDR2's version is so colorful, cinematic and simply a huge upgrade compared to RDR1's version. The Skinner's honestly make it even better. I admit that they are very scary but if you've completed the few unique random encounters, they spawn every in-game day at one of their camp locations and serve as a great way to keep using your guns and feel very satisfied about it.
But now the actual reason why I love Tall Trees so much - can you describe me a more beautiful and relaxing place than Aurora Basin? The ambience is so outstanding that I can't describe it. It just makes me forget all the terrible things that happen(ed) in the RDR lore. Also the Lake being flat is the main reason why I feel so safe there because John can actually enter the water without straight up losing all his stamina and end up drowning 💀
With the majority of the RDR2 map being pointless to visit after 100% completion, Aurora Basin is always worth to go to as it's so close to John's homestead.
But of course I also love the entirety of Tall Trees and even with the Skinner's, this place is my digital home and I will not tolerate any hate on this awesome part of the map!
Do you agree?