I had three main horses throughout the game. A Tennessee Walker named Walker, who died by falling off a cliff and me being without horse reviver. Another one named Walker 2, who was ambushed and killed by the Murphee Brood without me having horse reviver (and being post-Strauss, meaning I had no medicine at camp). And finally, the White Arabian, which I named Walker III, and who died as [SPOILERS]
Part of the final story mission for Arthur. I also had Buell in the stables after doing the Veteran quests (RIP Hamish), but apparently you can’t get Arthur’s horses out of the stables as John, so I guess he’s either dead or living his life out there somewhere in the world. So far Rachel hasn’t died as John though, and I’d rather keep it that way. If she dies as part of the epilogue story, don’t tell me. I’m not gonna be doing it for a while, because the ending kinda snuck up on me as Arthur and I don’t want the same thing to happen as John. I wanna do as many side quests and fill out as much of the compendium as possible.