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157 Votes in Poll
Before I start, I say right away that English isn’t my main language, so if there are mistakes, don’t judge strictly
The next part of red dead, in my opinion, should not be connected with the arch of redemption of the main character, because we have already seen this in previous parts. Therefore, the game will not be called red dead redemption 3, but in some other way.
The next part of red dead will be a prequel to RDR2 and will take place in three different time periods
In 1899, we will finally be shown the robbery of a ferry in Blackwater. In 1877-1885, it is shown how Dutch and Hosea met each other, sheltered Arthur and John and created their own gang.
And in 1887, we are shown the story of how young Arthur became the way we see him in RDR2.
1. Prologue. We are shown an excerpt from the infamous ferry robbery. We are given the opportunity to play for Dutch. During the robbery, the gang robs $150,000. An innocent girl, Heidi McCourt, becomes a witness to this robbery. She immediately runs away and Dutch is confused whether to kill her or let her go, but Micah convinced Dutch to kill her. And the game gives us the opportunity to kill a woman with a dead eye with our own hands. After that, the prologue ends and the game takes us back 6 months. Chapter 1 begins, and during this chapter we are shown how Dutch met Micah and how the gang was preparing for the ill-fated robbery of the ferry. The last mission of the chapter will be the Blackwater massacre. During this mission, we are transferred to the ferry again and the murder of Heidi McCourt is shown again, but this time in the form of a cutscene. And after this cutscene, a shootout between the gang and the Pinkertons already begins. Landon Ricketts also randomly participates in this shootout and he even manages to injure one of the Van der Linde gang members. And John Marston gets this injury (as for me, a very good reference to RDR1). In addition to John, Jenny and Davey are injured, and Sean and Mac are arrested. Arthur and Hosea come to the aid of the gang. Arthur helps the gang fight off the Pinkertons, and Hosea organizes the gang's escape. And during the escape, Arthur's horse Boadicca dies. This is where Chapter 1 ends and we are shown how the gang disappeared into the mountains in the form of flashforwards from RDR2.
2. 1877-1885. I'll be brief here. In this interval, we will play for Dutch and Hosea. We need to show how Dutch and Hosea, trying to rob each other, became friends, and then created their own gang, while sheltering teenagers Arthur and John. In the same chapter, you can tell about Annabel (Dutch's girlfriend), Bessie (Hosea's wife), young Mary Gillis, as well as Eliza, the waitress who gave birth to Isaac to Arthur. Also, here you can show the O'Driscoll gang and the history of Dutch and Colm's relationship. This chapter can end with the murder of Dutch's girlfriend by Colm. After that, Dutch and Colm's cooperation ends.
3. 1887. The last chapter in the game. The slogan of this chapter is "revenge is a fool's game". Here we play as young Arthur, who was not as violent as in RDR2. In this chapter, we are shown Arthur as a father, how he visited the family every couple of months and taught Isaac to read, fish, and so on. Also, with a new chapter in the game, the main villains of the game appear - the bandits who killed Isaac and Eliza. But they were not just bandits, but the leaders of a dangerous gang in the Wild West - the "Bloody Gang". This gang, along with the O'Driscolls, feuded with Van der Linde. At that time, the "Bloody Gang" was the most dangerous gang in America, it had a lot of robberies and murders on its account. And one day they were preparing for the biggest bank robbery in history. But Dutch's gang got ahead of them and robbed the bank on their own, taking several thousand dollars with them. After the robbery, Dutch told Arthur to hide the money in Eliza's house. The "Bloody Gang" wanted to take revenge on the Van der Linde gang for stealing from them a robbery that they had been planning for a long time. The "Bloody Gang" catches one of Dutch's gang members and tortures him, hoping that he will reveal the location of the robbed money. And this member of Dutch's gang gives the location of Isaac and Eliza to the enemies, since he thought that the money might be hidden with them. But at that time, Arthur had not yet reached his family and had not yet managed to hide the money. And when he visited his son and mistress, he found 2 crosses. He could not contain his emotions and promised to take revenge on the murderers. Upon returning to the camp, Arthur tells Dutch and Hosea about what happened and says that someone betrayed them(in RDR2, Arthur, while playing dominoes with Tilly, says that there was a traitor in the gang). At that time, the same gang member who gave away the whereabouts of Arthur's son was absent from the camp for a long time. And the gang is on a quest to find the traitor. When Arthur catches him, he begins to torture him (like Thomas Shelby in the third season of "Peaky Blinders") in the hope of finding out his son's killers. All the gang members are horrified by Arthur's cruelty, and Hosea kills the traitor out of mercy (just like Arthur Shelby in the same moment from "Peaky Blinders”). Arthur still finds out who is responsible for the murder of his son. After that, he prepares his blood feud against the "Bloody Gang". Dutch asks Arthur not to do this, because revenge will not fix anything, but Arthur is obsessed with this revenge and does not listen to Dutch. Then Dutch says that Arthur alone will not cope with the "Bloody Gang" and asks for his help in revenge. But even here Arthur refuses him, saying that this is his personal revenge. And so, the last mission of the game "revenge is a foolish game" begins. Arthur, under badass music (in the style or in something similar to "American Venom"), single-handedly destroys the entire "Bloody Gang" and in the end, in a duel 1 against 2, Arthur quickly pulls out his revolver and kills the main villains of the game with a dead eye. After Arthur avenges Isaac's death, he realizes that Dutch was right and revenge is not worth going for it. And after the end of the game, we are given the opportunity to switch between Dutch, Hosea and Arthur
Many people will call me crazy and I probably agree with you, because I don't understand how it came to my mind.
229 Votes in Poll
245 Votes in Poll
238 Votes in Poll
414 Votes in Poll
Not enough people talk about Miss Grimshaw, literally one of the original gang members and a fucking badass.
Especially around the end of the gang Miss Grimshaw was one of the only things keeping it together and the only person other than John and Arthur to go against Dutch in the final standoff at Beaver Hollow. Miss Grimshaw was such an under-appreciated character and no doubt one of the best.
Abigail’s cause of death is never revealed in RDR1 and it’s always left me questioning exactly how did she die? Any speculations?
244 Votes in Poll
I’ve noticed that throughout the two Redemption games, John, Sadie and Eagle Flies all have themes or musical scores unique to or associated with theme. I was wondering if there were other characters like this.
131 Votes in Poll
141 Votes in Poll
Where can you find the new rings they added into the game for character customisation?
128 Votes in Poll
Can anyone suggest something to do about my audio in the game. Whenever I shoot someone without deadeye I won’t hear the sound of a gunshot but I will feel the vibration in my controller. Similar sometimes in missions I can’t hear John and others speak
Please help
Just got to epilogue yesterday
127 Votes in Poll