This is my thoughts on Ross’s corruption and evil and dissing the saying of Milton “Just doing his job” Milton also did horrible stuff like torturing Mac after a time he knew he would stay loyal to Dutch but still killed him instead of putting him in prison or having him be executed in a more lawful way.
Fired a machine gun in a shack with women and a child inside the shack he knew they were there because he had visited the gang’s camp multiple times and knew what people were there he even saw Jack directly one time and still fired the minigun without a warning or hesitation at all.
He also said he enjoyed killing Hosea and Lenny which yes he completed the job of killing 2 very important gang members you are supposed to fill fullfilled and accomplished yes but he got sadistic pleasure out of their deaths which is totally different from feeling well at completing a job that you wanted to complete for years. So yeah Milton is not doing it “By the law” that's BS.
But he still has morals that Ross doesn't have He mostly talks with the gang with the utmost respect, unlike Ross who is just a prick to John for the whole game and treats him like a robot disregarding the fact that the guys he ordered John to kill people he called family and wanting him to kill or capture the gang members with no hesitation or remorse like John never cared about them.
Also, Ross has John do all his dirty work by unlawfully kidnapping Abigail and Jack and forcing John to capture Javier, Bill, and Dutch, Milton can have informants but he doesn't order them to kill or do all his dirty work in capturing the criminals, no they can help like informing about the gang’s hideout, talking about the gang’s plan etc Ross does the complete opposite.
Milton gave Dutch 2 warnings before going psycho mode and he also wouldn't have done all these things if it wasn't for Cornwall pressuring him to give results.
Ross captured John’s family without a warning he just did and forced John to do all his work for him. Milton also gave the gang 2 warnings and 3 whole days to turn their life around and if they helped Milton they would have a new life which I believe is true and Milton is going to stick with his word.
Ross says this to John but is nothing but a lie as Ross tells John that this is his chance for redemption but then kills him as soon as he reunites with his family like just 3 weeks later. I'm saying that Milton is not a good person not in the slightest but he’s much of a better person than Ross. Milton is the personification of ends justify the means while Ross is the personification of Corruption.
Ross cares about improving his career
Milton cares about “destroying the savages from the world”.