How do you think Arthur’s fate would change if there was a neutral honor ending?
How do you think Arthur’s fate would change if there was a neutral honor ending?
Hey, everyone! My honor is not rising despite me making sensible decisions, greeting citizens, doing camp chores, etc. I mean, my honor is high, I get 27% discount in stores (according to my calculations), but I can't go to the next levels.
Since tomorrow is Christmas, I thought I would like to share with you a song that can fit Arthur Morgan in High Honor mode. I know I've worked hard at this and tried my best, so I hope you'll like it this Christmas.
To the tune of "Grandma's Spending Christmas with the Superstars" by Elmo Shropshire. New lyrics by Debbie Kearns.
Arthur's spending Christmas with the superstars,
Since the TB took him out in the morning light.
Arthur's hanging out with all those late, great stars
For the heavenliest Christmas of his life.
He's standing under the mistletoe with Eliza.
She's been consoling him because he's missing Mary.
Then she and their son Isaac offer him a bowl,
Well-a-well-a, of Mary's gifts of chocolates filled with cherries.
[To Chorus]
He's Christmas-shopping at the mall with Lenny Summers.
They like to drink good drinks down at the Tiki Bar.
And Lenny says, "This sure beats drinking down in Valentine,
But I'm just glad we got sober before we got too far."
[To Chorus]
Oh, look! Arthur Morgan's trying to do someone's braids!
Why, it's Javier Esquella!
And lookie here! He's teaching John Marston how to swim
in his swimming pool with Uncle and Buell!
Oh, Thomas Downes! Well, at least Arthur gave him company with Susan,
Davey, Jenny, Sean, Kieran, Hosea, Cain, Eagle Flies, and Molly.
Oh, he's been trimming the tree with Miss Abigail.
She's got that certain something her family always lacked.
But when he opens up her gift and sees a golden buck,
He says, "If it don't shine, I'll have to send it back." (Send it back!)
[To Chorus and repeat]
Anyways, have a very merry Christmas, everyone.
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So when i was playing red dead 2 i wanted to do all the optional honor missions on chapter 6 so i did all 4 hamish sinclair missions and the other ones but that one was my favorite and i failed to save buell and it hurt me so i robbed his house and lit it on fire since hes dead and then i threw a molotov i heard some voice say "what the" and i was like what the hell? Then i realized not much npcs spawn near o'creaghs run so whats really going on does he actually have a ghost?
Do dialogue options exist for John in the Epilogue based on his honor like they did for Arthur?
I don't know if anyone's asked this yet, but I've been getting back into Redemption II and only now started wondering why you don't get Honor for paying bounties after doing crimes. I mean, you're saving bounty hunters a lot of trouble by paying the money that they will be paid for by bringing you in dead or alive. That seems pretty honorable to me. I don't know, maybe I just want Arthur to be as good as possible before I make him go on his last ride again... I don't know, what do you guys think of this?
As I am sure most fans who have completed RDR 2 are aware, Edith and Archie Downes are featured in a cutscene during the end credits that shows how their lives have improved by the time of the Epilogue.
However, I am unsure whether or not this is only the case for those who completed the game with high honor and completed “Do Not Seek Absolution I & II”.
In my first playthrough, I went through most of Arthur’s storyline and ended it with low honor, and to my personal recollection, I do not remember seeing their cutscene in the end credits of that playthrough. As such, I assumed it was naturally omitted since I had low honor throughout Chapter 6 and the “Do Not Seek Absolution” mission strand was therefore unavailable to me.
Can anyone who has completed a low honor playthrough confirm this is actually the case?
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I took it as that while life can be unfair and cruel, you can bring goodness into it by doing good things.
So yeah I'm kinda curious tho
Bc I never played rdr series
I'm here to talk about rdr2 thingy
So if Arthur have low honor
Would any npc or character talk negative to him
When he cames around the town
But when it comes to main mission or cutscenes
Would any character like dutch and Hosea
Be mad at Arthur while exploring what he did bad to any people
Since no one experience that or probs???
I can always raise it-say "HOWDY MISTER!" to everyone, do some good Deeds, toss back a bunch of fish.
That said I am stuck in the Middle. Kill everyone I meet including those asking for help, rob things, randomly dynamite or set trains on fire.
Found a roof with a single ladder access point in Saint Denis, got up there, threw dynamit and firebottles onto NPC;s below I figured I could ghost the cops coming up the ladder like in RDR1 but they simply spawned in all around me on the roof.
I even keep ALL the fish.
Want my b;ack Gunslinger grips.
I know you have responded to a post like this before. But I am in a dire situation, is there anyway to get honor up fast?!