In my current playtrough i use the
Raven black shire named blackjack.
In my current playtrough i use the
Raven black shire named blackjack.
The horse I normally use is a Brindle coated Thoroughbred. Her name was Charlotte, then I changed it to Giovanna, I regretted it (for personal reasons) and went back to Charlotte.
I know that people were saying bad things as there posse and horse names but it’s still vey annoying. Like I had a cool name for my posse and now it’s just my username’s posse. And the horses I had fun naming my horses and I know I can still see them but it was fun as me and my friends came up with names that ryhms.
Ive been searching around the area where the arabian horse is, and i literally cant find it. i went around the lake for about an hour, and i ran into it once but it ran off somewhere. is it gone for good now that it ran off or am i doing something wrong?
Hey everyone! I just started Chapter 4 and received a message saying that new horses are available at the Saint Denis barn. I went to check them out and found a black Arabian horse. I’ve always heard that black horses are superior, so I bought it out of excitement.
However, I already have a white Arabian. Which one should I use, the white or the black Arabian?
I'm absolutely loving the game – it's hands down the best I've ever played. Chapter 3 has been my favorite so far, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what Chapter 4 has in store!
I got off the train at Wallace and some guy asked me to race. I accepted, won and took his horse. That was maybe 20 in game minutes ago, I'm camping now and all I can hear outside the tent is *stomp* *huff* *neigh* *stomp*. She's been very angry, everytikme I stop it acts like its spooked. I've tried 'g' (on pc), put John just has the normal phrases instead of the onme if the horse was spooked. Is this just how Nokotas are in the game? I don't really use them so
5 mins after, wide eyes and doing the little reary thing.
I just went to Mr Wrobel's place and realized I can parkour my way into his barn (just jumped through the window) and I find this rare-lookin special horse that has white hair, and an amazing color. Is it rare? Should I wait till epilogue to go get it or will it be gone? do I have to go back to my recent save so that I never entered the barn just to be sure it wont despawn if I leave? thanks if you read this
Show me your RDR2 horses! Tell me what you named them and what breed they are. Here's mine!
I'm pretty sure you all know this horse, but for those of you who don't, I'll tell you
This is Buell, the cremello gold Dutch warmblood. He is only available during the veteran mission during chapter 6 onwards, but I always save the last mission with the veteran for the epilogue because I can't risk losing such a beautiful stallion.
He has the legendary boar saddle on his back, which is a reminder of his original owners fate.
The death of Arthur's horse is sadder than Arthur's death, change my mind. Usually, I don't care for horses in rdr1, but in rdr2, goddammit, they're so realistic and loyal to Arthur that I can't even play the final mission without at least getting goosebumps.
I mean, come on. Rockstar even had to add the detail of the horse crying as it reaches closer to death. And Arthur comforting his loyal steed... damn it, Rockstar, why do you have to make endings in the red dead redemption franchise so sad?
Of course, I am biased. For two reasons:
I love horses
I get upset over silly things. In mid-2023, a friend gave me a birthday card because it was my birthday, and once I opened it, I immediately started crying. It doesn't make sense how I cry over a fucking piece of paper and not cry over the saddest video game death in history.
If I ever complete the game with Buell, I probably will cry because he's my favorite horse in the game and I feel like I'd let Hamish (my favorite character) down if I killed basically his best friend.
So the wiki says that if your horse dies, and you whistle again, it will respawn as an undead horse. I had the horse that John starts off with, then I had Pestilence, then he died and I found the old horse, then I found War, but then a glitch happened and I got this horse.
I am playing on Nintendo Switch.
Going from red dead 2 to red dead 1 I’ve noticed the horse speed is ridiculously fast. Does anyone have any ideas on why the horses are so fast? Is it a bug?
I have gotten the tiger striped bay mustang
I named him Spirit 🙂
If you look under my saddle, you can see a white patch. This is a form of horse sweat know as latherin. This appears on the player's horse if they use up all their horse's stamina.
So every once in awhile I'm gonna post some drawings of scenes from undead nightmare because it's spooky month (October)
This is the first one. It's John riding War the fire horse
I was scrolling through YouTube and found a video with a pink Arabian. Is this a real horse or a mod? This is what it looks like:
And where can i find/purchase it?