I say the Legendary Panther because you (as in I) literally spend hours upon hours grinding hunter challenges, then they give you a panther that attacks you before you attack it, then runs away. Snakes are hard to ⭐️⭐️⭐️ because they require small game arrows that take forever to make. Then there’s the Moose. Mooses (Moosi? Moises’s?) are one of the rarest things to cross your path. I’ve only got one three times in my 3 100% play throughs, and I haven’t seen ever since then. For RDR1, Cougar, no questions asked.
Does anyone have an almost foolproof place to hunt cougars because I'm trying to do my master hunter challenges and I haven't found any yet.(BTW I'm Arthur right now so I can't go to blackwater)
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I know he does a drawing of every animal he finds in the wild in his journal, but why do the legendary animals sketches take up two pages? Is he doing it because he thinks they look cool or is it his way to show respect to the fallen animals for giving a good hunt and providing materials for the trapper outfits?
I need some tips to hunt beavers. I need two perfect pelts to craft the bounty hunting jacket. I know their locations but I'm having a difficult time hunting them. Can you guys help me out?
For me I really have trouble finding and getting a perfect snake carcass. And I do know to hunt for already perfect snakes. It's just Im not sure which weapon/ammo in needed to cleanly kill it.
So, I'm new to hunting, and I need some tips, do you have any?