He is a merc not a cop, he sided with Fussar and Cornwall, was allies with Micah, Shot Lenny and Hosea the most innocent out of the whole gang. Legit Edgar Ross 2.0
He is a merc not a cop, he sided with Fussar and Cornwall, was allies with Micah, Shot Lenny and Hosea the most innocent out of the whole gang. Legit Edgar Ross 2.0
233 Votes in Poll
178 Votes in Poll
I wasn't able to, so I wanna know what's happening
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It’s Black History Month and Fandom is celebrating by highlighting the impact black artists, authors, actors, musicians (and more) have on the media many of us all enjoy!
Check out this blog post for more on that!
On top of that, Fandom is hosting chat/text based roundtables in our official discord to discuss and share more franchises.
The upcoming roundtable for videogames will be held on: Tuesday, Feb 22, 12PM ET / 6PM CET
Everyone is welcome, and this is a great opportunity to discuss characters such as Charles, Lenny, and Tilly as well as celebrating the talent and creativity of black game devs, voice actors and more, so please feel free to stop by!
314 Votes in Poll
Can't get the screenshot to upload but Lenny has a custom catrleman with browned steel frame and an ebony wood grip (only seen in "A Quiet Time" cutscenes i believe, i havent seen it since)
When the gang first moved out of the Grizzlies Dutch sent Micah and Lenny out to scout ahead, after the start of Chapter 2 you can always see them briefly at camp, it’s unique dialogue with Arthur asking them it it were any trouble, both of them saying it was nothing to worry about. (this dialogue may only trigger in 1.00)
*Fast forward to Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego*
When you reach the Grizzlies East you have a option to talk about either Sean or Micah. If you choose Micah, Arthur will ponder about his and Lenny’s whereabouts, about how it haven’t been that long since Ms. Grimshaw sent them out to scout ahead.
So first Dutch sent them to just scout ahead on the trail, then when they briefly returned back at camp, at some point Susan requested for them to go out scouting again.
Which means they never went to Strawberry right away, only when Hosea and Arthur went off hunting or even before that I could be wrong
I believe Micah took the second scouting trip as a opportunity to tie up loose ends and pay a couple of social calls, and just dragged Lenny along like anyone else.
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Idk why but when lenny died I actually cried. does anyone else wish he lived? or idk was your guys favorite character?
I know we keep hearing people saying when Lenny should not have died.But this is my own opinion he should’ve died by in the epilogue in the last mission.
Chapter 4
Basically Arthur saves Lenny by shooting the two Pinkerton agents before the agents shoot Lenny. And they basically go to grama
Chapter 5
Basically when he lives through our chapter 5
Chapter 6
First thing he noticed is Dutch’s behavior. He keeps telling Bill and Javier how Dutch his attitude to the game is basically isn’t himself. And tells Arthur about this Author agrees that he should watch himself and when the time is right he should leave. During the train heist basically he knows that Dodge isn’t the same he isn’t once the man that loves cares about his game now he noticed that he’s Brutal unsympathetic. Then he helps Arthur and Sadie to get Abigail. Then Arthur tells him and Sadie and Abigail do you get somewhere safe.
Basically you when he works with Sadie they basically Partners in bouncing hunting. on the last mission while Lenny,Charles Sadie and John Are riding to mount Hagen when he gets shot by a sniper what happen next is he gets Mortally wounded or he gets killed on the spot. Then Sadie finds his dead body basically buries him in Blackwater cemetery