I think it would either be someone like the boy from rdro, who got older and changed his name OR someone like mac callander who was mentioned in the fisher of men mission
I think it would either be someone like the boy from rdro, who got older and changed his name OR someone like mac callander who was mentioned in the fisher of men mission
225 Votes in Poll
240 Votes in Poll
With the immense popularity that Red Dead Redemption 2 has gotten ever since it was released it's not a surprising idea to say a 3rd installment might be in the works at Rockstar. So that leaves my question; What would you want Red Dead Redemption 3 to be about? Here are some of my ideas:
1 - A sequel to the first game that follows Jack Marston after he kills Edgar Ross. We don't really have any conclusion on how Jack spent his life after avenging his parents, so that leaves open many possibilities for how his life after 1914 would go. I think it would be interesting to see Jack become a Dutch-like figure and start his own gang similar to the one he was born into, consisting of mainly orphans and other misfits. However, I don't think this plot would really work as the Wild West era was just about done by 1914, and as I haven't played the first game yet, I don't know if it would fit with Jack's character at the end of RDR1
I think it would also be cool to see a plot where Jack goes to fight in World War I and use his skills in the war, like a combination of the Red Dead and Call of Duty series. However as this series is mainly in the Western genre, a war videogame in the series might not be too favorable with what the series' audiences want.
2 - A prequel to RDR2 where you play as either Dutch or Hosea that's about the Van Der Linde Gang's origins, where Hosea and Dutch meet each other, take in Arthur and John and recruit all the other characters we know like Bill, Javier, etc. This premise could also be good to expand on things mentioned in RDR2 like Hosea's wife and Dutch's lover Annabelle. It could also explain as to why Dutch has the ideologies that he does, and maybe even the origins of Dutch's and Colm O'Driscoll's relationship. However I don't think Hosea would be a great playable character as he's not as "cowboyish" as John and Arthur are, and I think Dutch works better as an antagonist that a playable protagonist.
3 - For my final and most most preferred idea: A more direct prequel to Red Dead Redemption 2 that goes from the mid to late 1890's up to the Blackwater Massacre. There have been some ideas I've seen floating around about Mac Callandar being the main protagonist of RDR3. From what we hear of Mac, he doesn't really seem like a good main character as he was always described as rough and rowdy. However a dialogue from Bill in RDR2 that he was "A heartless son of a bitch, but he had a heart" suggesting there could have been another side to him that the rest of the gang never knew about. Mac would also be a good choice for main character since we don't know much about him and don't even know what he looked like, leaving it good and open for the story and players customization of him.
Mac having his brother Davey in the gang also could have a good dynamic, possibly starting out on good terms with his brother but philosophically drifting apart just like the whole gang eventually did in Redemption 2. We don't know too much about Davey either which also leaves his character open for possibilities too. Having a game set close before the events of RDR2 could also expand upon people and events hinted at in that game, such as the character of Jenny and the one gang member that Dutch had to kill for betraying them, as well as events mentioned, like John leaving the gang and his family for a year, or the trouble Mac caused in a town incident that Hosea mentions.
I also like the idea of having Mac's fate being determined by the players honor, just like Arthur's in RDR2. For instance, if he has high honor, the reason for Mac staying behind and getting captured in Blackwater could be to distract the Pinkertons and save the rest of the gang, or if the player has low honor Mac abandons the gang to steal the Blackwater money for himself and gets captured and killed by the Pinkertons in the process.
If done correctly in the theoretical 3rd game, The Blackwater Massacre, Davey's death, and the eventual revelation of Mac's death could have a deeper emotional level in Redemption 2 as we would have known more about them.
If you made it this far into this post, thanks for reading through all my ramblings. What I want to know is what are your ideas for the story of Red Dead Redemption 3? What do you think of mine? Or do you think Rockstar should leave well enough alone and not release a third installment? I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Thanx!
Every comment I see on a RDR video, expresses a RDR3 with either Mac or Davey as playable protagonists. Now don't get me wrong, I would love to see the Callander brothers considering the gang members talking about them same as Jenny Kirk, but I don't think they would be anything interesting as playable characters. They are not like John, Jack and Arthur as playable characters. John wished a better life for his family and tried to leave the criminal life and mostly succeded and got redemption when he sacrificed himself to let Abigail and Jack leave and live. Jack following his father's death and his mother's death shortly after, became a broken young man who became the very thing his parents and the other gang members didn't want him to become. Arthur began to regret the choices he made after Hosea's death, him realizing Dutch's change in character, the gang falling apart and him finding out of his illness (Tuberculosis) and wanted to get those who still had a possible future to get out and start a new life somewhere else, hence why he helped John, Abigail and Jack to get out as well as helping Mrs Downes and her son Archie after Thomas Downes' death which was caused by Arthur himself, Beau Gray and Penelope Braithwaite and others like Charlotte who he helped to survive alone and later helped John get to safety before holding off the Pinkertons, Micah and Dutch from getting John. Davey and Mac is nothing but a vicious pair of bastards according to Charles in Chapter 6 during the mission "The King's Son." The Callander boys for me aren't interesting enough to be playable characters like Arthur, John and Jack was.
Mac and Davey Callander, they are of Scottish decent. Two former gunmen of the Van Der Linde gang who died after the Blackwater Massacare. We don’t know much about the pair, but from what we have heard, they were vicious outlaws and a liability. But none the less they were liked by most of the gang. Except for Lenny and Charles, I doubt they held racial prejudices considering Javier didn’t have any problems with them. Davey was a excellent poker player and Mac was a brawler, now i’m not sure if Uncle was lying or not but he claims that he witnessed Mac once beat up fifteen sailors. And from what we’ve heard from Lenny and Bill, Davey was dangerous fool and Mac was a heartless bastard(who had a heart). I believe the brothers took a liking to little Jack and John as well, since they all are of Scottish decent. It would be great if they added these two into Red Dead Online as strangers! or if Rockstar decides to do a Blackwater DLC where you play as Mac or Davey.