If Dutch got an M16 style assault rifle (likely M4 carbine) with aimbot- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc93efcWZJs
If Dutch got an M16 style assault rifle (likely M4 carbine) with aimbot- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc93efcWZJs
Personally, I would say Bill Williamson as he is like a chunk of muscle fr. Arthur Morgan from Red Dead 2 probably has the best dead-eye, and gunslinging skills, but Dutch has the most experience probably? So, I don't know!
Did You Know, That If Your Wanted And Being Shot At By The Law Right Next To A Golden Story Mission, That (Depending if The NPC has a gun or not) The NPC, such as Dutch or John, or someone else (with a gun) in the gang, will fight the law with you, and they will appear as a white dot on your mini map at the bottom left corner. And they follow you too, basically becoming your companion, and they will one-shot police officers 💀 That is O.P right there.
BUT The Officers They Kill Do Go On Your State Bounty, But It Is Weird...It would look like the RDR2 Online Bounties, such as something like $7.50, or smth.
In my current playtrough i use the
Raven black shire named blackjack.
With the Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC, on the laptop is a background that seems to be from the view of Roanoke Ridge during the Hot Air Ballon sequence with Arthur. Or it could just be a viewpoint on a hill overlooking the forest region with what appears to be the Grizzlies.
Rockstar's official description of Sam Odessa mentions California rather than Grand Theft Auto V's fictional State of San Andreas.
Rockstar's official description of D.S. MacKenna mentions both their fictional State of New Austin and the real-life Hollywood instead of the in-universe Vinewood.
Similar to the Grand Theft Auto series, Red Dead Redemption is an open-world action-adventure game series set in a satirical version of the United States during specific historical periods—Redemption, in particular, takes place during the final days of the Old West between 1898 and 1914.
Both the Redemption and HD Universe parody real-life brands and locations. However, unlike the GTA series, the brands in the Red Dead Redemption universe avoid names based on dark humor or sexual innuendo.
113 Votes in Poll
86 Votes in Poll
Before I start. I actually know nothing about Red Read! Never played it. I am a GTA person. I used to be on GTA Wiki as AzureImpactGerdaErrorMaking245 but was banned there for no reason. But I saw the bad guys 2 trailer and when I saw this poster. The style looked so familiar.
Has anyone else noticed that on the agency's bodyguard laptop, there's an image which seems to show the swamps around Thieves Landing/ Hennigan's Stead?
Honestly I quite like it, I nice little fishing town and I like the bait store. In online I like the free roam missions you get there too
123 Votes in Poll
108 Votes in Poll
113 Votes in Poll
Did y’all know that there’s a Map online that will tell you where every collectible is in the online game?? I did it and got a couple grand in cash in-game. Here’s the link in case you didn’t know: https://jeanropke.github.io/RDR2CollectorsMap/
Let me know if this helps <3
I'm seriously considering buying the Special/Ultimate version of RDR2. It is worth it?
It's been three or seven weeks since I finished RDR2's story mode, and I still think Chapter 3 and Chapter 5 are the best.
Like many others, I felt a bit disappointed when we went from being a most-wanted outlaw in five states to a family man. I really regret not using the time when Abigail and Jack left John to tackle side missions, like searching for dinosaur fossils.
With that in mind, I've decided to replay the game, but this time I'll approach it differently and make better use of my time than I did during my first playthrough.
Do you have any recommendations for my second playthrough? Quick and easy ways to make money? Tips on leveling up Arthur's attributes faster? Any advice would be appreciated!