84 Votes in Poll
I'm on level 19 and I can't seem to get any money or gold. Any tips? I also want to start the moonshine role but idk where to go to start the mission
Just a quick question. Once you get the standard Bounty Hunter license in Online for ten gold, is it permanent?
What is the Moonshiners Expansion like? Is there anything in GTA Online you can compare it too? And can I do the whole Moonshiners thing in a lobby with a friend without fear of being griefed?
Hello. I have obtained legendary moose and l.buck antlers. Now I want to make a trinkets of them. I visited FENCES but they do not offer any trinkets, so I am confused. Do they offer trinkets in RDR2 story mode only? Is there any way to get trinkets in RDR online?
(I found a fellow named GUS, who offers some trinkets, but he does not offer all of them (he doesn´t accept my antler parts), also the trinkets are much more expensive and also I need a few more items to get them.)
So how can I make GUS make me more types of trinkets? Thank you.
120 Votes in Poll
Hey this is one of my few posts but I wanted to say; I’ve just been playing red dead online and me and some friends came across some players who we got into a really long war against, one of them messaged me after like 1 and a half hours of being absolutely destroyed by me and my friends asking us to stop. Now this may seem normal but I decided I’d mess with him a bit so (oh all his messages were in caps) I originally said no, i then asked him why his username was The Dutchmen when his posse was called ‘The British empire’ I then annoyed him by saying I’m better at sea of thrives than him, still normal so far. Further on in the conversation he asked me and my friends to leave, we were at the abandoned mansion near Caliga Hall, now me and my friends had completely liberated the building so we weren’t gonna give it up. I replied saying “no” he then got even more mad and brought out the “I BET YOU DONT MILSIM” card so I replied “what if I do” he got even more mad and asked me to leave again, I said no. He kept on demanding me to leave and I kept saying no however, I did suggest we both put our weapons away, he said NO and the battle continued all the while I was messaging him saying we wouldn’t leave. The guy then got mad at us (more specifically my friend who was wearing Mexican attire) for killing him even though he kept killing us. He said “TELL THE MEXICAN TO STOP SHOOTING ME” I asked “why?” This really annoyed him. Eventually me and my friends left after his buddy killed my mates horse several times (and we’re the toxic ones 🙄) so they were happy but the story doesn’t end there! The guy told me to stop messaging him so I asked “how are you?” To which he replied with “...” and then “GO” rude I know! So I asked again, he replied with something along the lines of this “😡” and then I said “love you” spreading affection to sad kids I’m so kind. He then got mad again so I said “say I love you back and I’ll leave” he then said “NO” then “CREEP” I asked again and he replied with another angry emoji and another “GO” I then asked for them to say bye, a simple bye, and then I would go. To which he said no. I asked again, then he finally said bye but it was like “B Y E” so I obliged and said bye then left, he replied with “🤬”. Toxic I know, I just wanted to be nice.
Sorry about the long post I just really wanted to express my sadness related to his rudeness. Goodbye and thanks for reading 😂.
I have reached rank 80 of the outlaw pass but not bought it yet so if I buy it now do I still get all the rewards
I just got awarded lots of things for linking "my" twitch prime account
Problem is : i don't have twitch prime
Is this a glitch or did someone link the wrong account?
Will the person who linked it falsely still get their things?Am i stealing by purchasing things with the money i got ?
Will i lose everything by them checking the problem out?
Just wondering as I don't think so, but probably a veteran player can prove me wrong.
I would really like to know and it would be fun to read! Please share your stories. Here's mine!
John Fredericksen is a rich snob, who loves hunting, fishing and poker.
Jonathan "The Hand" Fredericksen was born to a drunk, Swedish mother and a Russian Navy officer in 1843, Åland Islands, The Grand Dutchy of Finland. After John's father retire's from the navy, they move to Boston with John's grandmother in 1856. After John's father dies of osteoporosis in 1859, John decides to join the Union army.
After the Civil war, John turns into a raging alcoholic, like his mother. In 1867, John goes clean and decides to go to Columbia Law School. John gets his degree in 1872 and gets a job in a law firm in New York City. The law firm goes bankrupt in 1875 and the same year, his mother dies. With nothing left besides a hundred bucks and his grandmother, he decides to turn into a life of crime, having a great shooting skill after the Civil war.
While robbing a train in Mississippi, 1883, he finds a huge bag full of gold, takes it and travels south. John sells his gold in Lemoyne to the mayor of St. Dennis for an outstanding 9500 dollars. For a few years after that, John robs people as a side hobby, drinks and plays poker, until 1891 when he gets arrested for vehicle theft. He gets released in 1895 and keeps continuing his bad-doings.
He's grandmother dies in 1904 of old age (she was 102). He himself dies in 1919 of heart failure and pneumonia (Age 77).
I need some advice here, I’m trying to get into RDO again, after leaving due to great dissatisfaction with my characters appearance, to the point I deleted them and tried again. So, I need some advice on how to create the best possible character, as well as the best looking character. The only restrictions being that the is White and Male. (Previous attempt shown below.)
R u a Lawful Bounty Hunter or a mass murding no good bandit or mabye your a simple money making hunter. What type of playet r u in online?
Is there a way to unlock additional belts? So far I only have the "Frontiersman Belt" which has a large gold(ish) buckle that does not match the overall aesthetic I'm going for. I've browsed the catalogue, but I cannot find anything for belts.
Note, I'm not talking about the gun belts. I know those can be purchased at the gunsmith. I'm just looking for plain ol' regular belts that are worn higher up on the waist than the gun belt and do little more than keep pants up.
Anyone wanna play rdr2 online with me sometime? I'm finally getting out of school for the summer and I'll be able to play a lot more. i'm level 15 - 18 I can't ever remember. I play on Xbox and my Gamertag is Dmoney111111 ( I know that's a ridiculous amount of 1's and I'm sorry)