Fandom has historically been a little cross with users asking other users their age. You shouldn't volunteer that information readily.
Explosive ammo, but it's a little hazardous and slow to make in bulk so use it sparingly. Barring that, Express ammo is what you should be using for raw damage output, though Split Point is better for Dead Eye and you can make it on demand since it's just a direct upgrade on regular ammunition.
Why would the headless horseman be in a western game, even for Halloween? He's New York folklore.
I don't wanna come across as trying to be edgy or anything, but as a point of fact being shot doesn't hurt as much as popular media would have you believe, but of course individual experiences vary.
Snakes are everywhere and they're all perfect by default. Shoot them with the bow using a small game arrow, and always hit them in the head to make sure you don't damage them. It's simple enough to dead eye them in the head, and easier if you do it from horseback.
I drift every once in a blue moon, but I still haven't gotten that technique down. It's a situational tool, not one that I'm quick to pull out. I go long periods of forgetting that it's even possible.
I have an inherent hatred for men named Kieran. That about sums up this guys luck.
I found mine practically by accident. Don't try to coax it.
Would it turn your world upside down if I were to tell you that Dutch is the main character and Arthur and John are secondary characters in his ballad?
You know there could very well be a better than even chance that John Marston doesn't even know what an iceberg is.
What's the correlation here?
@KidColt.45 You're splitting hairs and you know it fella.
@KidColt.45 Red, the original protagonist who's name the franchise bears and always has, isn't allowed to be on the list of protagonists? You're a funny one boyo.
Most likely they just don't care to talk to you.
He starts to have panic attacks and everything that he was slowly comes undone.
@Wyeds Nobody has ever contested that Heidi McCourt was killed during the ferry robbery, of course she was, only that the ferry robbery and the massacre are different events. Your point means nothing. The Strange Man only mention "that raid on the ferry in Blackwater", he doesn't explicitly say "Blackwater Massacre", and correct me if you've ever found a source but as far as I'm aware nobody in either game ever says the phrase "Blackater Massacre" it only appears briefly written. There remains no clear evidence that both events are intended to be the same.
Might I mention, I'm not convinced that the Blackwater Massacre and the Blackwater Ferry Robbery are actually the same event. Ever since I played RDR1 over a decade ago I thought it was well understood that the references to the massacre were just a small tidbit of ambiguous lore just tacked on and meant to add the Landon Rickets' backstory. I believe that fans have blurred the two events together due to hearing the phrase "Blackwater Massacre" and associating it with the ferry robbery and that the community has been unknowingly perpetuating this misinterpretation all this time. There is no evidence ever presented in either game that both events are one and the same.
Trick question, I use a shotgun and they use shells. I win.
John being blind - or more likely just weak in his left eye if you ask me - could have a little bit of credence to it, but as far as I'm aware nobody at Rockstar has commented on it and I don't believe that John's actor was instructed to play him in motion capture like he had a bad eye. Fair to say it's the least dumbest theory in this poll, but there's probably nothing it.