I know the game is only out for consoles, but I saw somebody online talking about RDR2 coming to PC. Is it true, or was he just making stuff up?
I know the game is only out for consoles, but I saw somebody online talking about RDR2 coming to PC. Is it true, or was he just making stuff up?
I would have to disagree.
In RDR2, there is meaning to almost every aspect of the story. In GTA V, the story is not as well-developed, and you don't really start to care about the main characters until near the story's end. In RDR2, the plot was laid out so that you always remember every gang member, antagonist, and other major character and what they did. You cared about people like Arthur and John, loved your friends, and hated evil characters like Micah and Agent Milton.
GTA V pretty much encouraged you to be a criminal since there were few rewards for being a good citizen. In RDR2, you had your choice of being either a gentleman or a lawless thug, with each having their own benefits and drawbacks. Every violent action has a consequence in RDR2; shooting random strangers or disrespecting them lowers your honor and puts a bounty on you. In GTA games, if you shoot a stranger, you won't have any further consequences once you manage to evade the police.
Like another commenter said, RDR2 is not infused with dirty jokes, nor is it a parody of modern society. It is the opposite of GTA in a way: there is a great deal of seriousness involved in RDR2's story. While GTA is likely to make you laugh and cringe, RDR2 is likely to make you cry and gasp.
Don't get me wrong, GTA V is great for what it's worth, and is a fine game for the most part. But RDR2 is just excellent for the amount of work put into the storyline, mechanics, and overall game design.
So, I learned that GTA, Manhunt, and Bully all exist in the same universe. What about the Redemption games? All those games are pretty similar when it comes to basic gameplay elements and mechanics. I thought there was a reference to John Marston in GTA V, but I'm not sure that's enough to prove the games are directly connected.
How powerful are the Online weapons? It doesn't seem to make sense to not include the weapons for being too strong, especially considering the fact that story mode is pretty easy to begin with. Also, that didn't seem to stop Rockstar from adding the Explosive Rifle into RDR1, and we all know how powerful that thing was.
With the Evans Repeater out and rumors of the LeMat Revolver coming soon, I feel like they should allow us to use those weapons in single-player, especially given all the issues Red Dead Online's been having. I think it would be a good idea if they did, unless they plan on saving them for a future story mode DLC.
What are your opinions?
In RDR1 John will drown to death immediately if the water is higher than his waist. John can technically swim in RDR2, but only for a moment or two because his stamina drains instantly when he hits the water.
I would suggest going to Saint Denis, Strawberry, or Blackwater and pressing the antagonize button on everyone you see, if you don't want to kill anyone. Also try shooting dogs and horses if you feel especially heartless.
I had in mind something like having Dutch as the main character, but allowing you to play as other characters for specific missions (Red Dead Revolver-style).
The good thing about that is it allows you to see what different characters did at the same time. For example, one mission can show what Dutch and most of the gang did at Blackwater, while the next one takes place at the same time but shows what Arthur and Hosea were up to and why they weren't at the robbery with the rest.
I was actually going to make a discussion about this myself but you beat me to it (damn it!)
Anyway, the Grays practically owned the town of Rhodes until that gunfight wiped most of them out. In 1907, you never see any Grays in Rhodes, which makes it safe to assume that they lost all the authority they once had in the town. That's a pretty enormous loss.
At the same time, the Braithwaites couldn't seem to catch up to the Grays with regards to money and social status. They resorted to working with Lemoyne Raiders and selling moonshine to make a profit (the reason why Catherine Braithwaite was so angry about Dutch's gang stealing her liquor that she had Jack kidnapped).
The Grays fell the hardest and took the most losses, but the standoff and burning of Braithwaite Manor made for an incredible cinematic moment.
I'm all for it. It would also be cool to see some new Easter eggs added in, like a reference to Arthur Morgan in the newspaper or a tribute to the Van der Linde gang and the things they did.
I thought Rockstar was better than this. I know Red Dead Online is still in the beta stage, but an update like this doesn't help them. There weren't as many improvements as there could've been, and the underlying game still has problems. The whole thing about the microtransactions being almost necessary really irritates me. Also, what's up with the dancing emotes? They don't belong here because this isn't Fortnite!
I'm pretty sure a parley is when someone wants to make an agreement to stop fighting.
I chose the Mauser because when I got the gold one from Billy Midnight, I liked it so much that I never got rid of it. I also have a custom all-black Cattleman Revolver that I probably use more often than the Mauser.
I don't expect Rockstar to release this by itself as a brand new game. I was thinking something more along the lines of it being a preorder bonus for a future Redemption game or as a standalone DLC for Redemption 2.
Having a DLC with Micah as the protagonist sounds kind of fun. Sure, we all hate Micah, but being able to play as the bad guy never fails to grab my attention.
Red Dead Revolver was one of the games of my childhood and I had great memories playing it when it first released. I know the Redemption games are way more immersive and feature more content, but it would be nice to see the game that started the series come back again. It's been about 15 years since Revolver came out and the game really does deserve a remaster. Would anyone else like to see that happen?
I would have to go with John's death because of the circumstances behind it. John was just trying to live a normal life when his family got taken away. Then he gets betrayed by the same people he is forced to work with to get his family back. I find that just a little bit more heartbreaking than Arthur's death, which was kind of predictable.
Besides the default ones, what outfits do you like? My favorite one is probably "The Cumberland" because it's not flashy, but doesn't have you looking like a ranch hand when you go around town. Another one is "The Deauville" with the fancy suit and top hat, which I like wearing simply for the irony of it.
For Red Dead Revolver, the first mission when Red's parents are killed. For RDR, John getting pumped full of lead without a doubt was the saddest. Arthur's death in RDR2 was sad, but seeing Ross and Fordham tracking down John at the very end was unsettling because I knew what was going to happen from there.
It's possible that hit on the head may have caused him to become delirious, but he seemed pretty sane and deliberate until after the failed bank job, so the injury couldn't have been severe. The thoughts of failing in the robbery, Hosea and Lenny dying,.and John getting arrested all at the same time were more likely to have pushed him over the edge.