@Ssmokers hey man thanks for reminding me. It’s been in my notes all this time but I’ve never posted for some reason. I’ll post here and possibly on the main page
Its very long and it’s not perfect and it’s probably missing some details but like I said this might not have been intended but here is my evidence for the Marstons being rats.
Also I wrote it in a way for me specifically to understand and planned on going over it and grammar checking but I never did that either. I think it’s easy to comprehend what I wrote though.
Marstons were the rats RDR.
Putting Forth Oil Train robbery mission last cutscene
this train robbery was 100% Johns idea. After Arthur agreed John said he has to run in to town for Abigail and before finishing his sentence he stressed “DONT EVEN ASK” he was going back to tell the Law that Arthur will go through with the robbery so they can set them up. Law showed up real fast and John’s the one that pointed that out.
The Sheep and the Goats
When John and Strauss are held hostage by Cornwalls men and you and Dutch must fight your out of the bar.
Cornwall knew exactly where to find them. John brought Dutch to town and then split the group up on purpose. Cornwall holding John hostage was just part of the trick.
Saint Denis Bank Robbery
Abigail Marston and Hosea split up from the gang on the way in to the city because they were supposed to put on a distraction together. Whens the next time we see Hosea? When he is getting executed by Pinkertons where was Abigail? She set up Hosea to get caught before they robbed the bank, John disappeared in the middle of the gun fight. The whole thing was almost obviously set up by the Marstons and Pinkertons in my opinion. A lot of people said that Micah wore white in this mission so the Pinkertons don’t shoot him because he was the snitch, but Lenny and Bill wore white or gray that day too.
When John was in jail it was just bait to lure Dutch and the gang to their arrest, Dutch never showed up to save him instead it was just Sadie and Arthur and the guards decided that the operation was not worth losing Officer Milliken (guy Arthur takes hostage during the prison break).
When John was shot in the final train robbery the Pinkertons found and picked him up, patched him up, and sent him walking back in to Dutches camp. remember he says “YOU! YOU LEFT ME!” then a minute later PINKERTONS.