It started as a joke but now it’s a joke that’s gone too far and honestly wasn’t that funny to begin with
Micah is literally written to be hated in fact I haven’t met anyone who actually likes Micah as a character
Tbh I think he would’ve died sometime before RDR1 even if he wasn’t shot on the mountain because he was a very reckless and trigger happy outlaw so he would’ve either been killed in a gunfight or been hanged also I doubt his gang would’ve been entirely loyal to him and most would stab him in the back either to collect the no doubt massive bounty on him or to save themselves
I would definitely say he will always be one of the best but you never know
Even ignoring that the revolver doesn’t take place in the same timeline it doesn’t make much sense how he could be Uncle is at least in his 60s or 70s by the time of RDR2 and RDR1 and Red Harlow wouldn’t be that age by that time Uncle doesn’t have the same scars has Red
And yet in chapter 6 he helped that same Boy and his mother to get on to a better life that’s was the whole point of Arthur’s story you see him turn from a cold blooded gunslinger into someone who wants to right the wrongs he himself cause
Arthur wasn’t an angel but at least he had some lines he wouldn’t cross he wouldn’t kill innocent people unlike the rest of them Dutch basically turned into a madman who lied to everyone who ever cared about him Ross and Milton were people who did things just as bad if not worse then the gangs they hunted down Colm killed indiscriminately and didn’t care about his own gang only strength in numbers instead of making a loyal gang and Colonel Favours lied stolen and basically ran the Wapiti trip out of the state
Hosea in my eyes was the only thing keeping the gang from devolving into chaos
There is literally no way Uncle is Red Harlow not only does the timeline not much up but there personality don’t either
Crim, You are right I overlooked that sorry
No one will argue that A LOT of Dutch’s actions though out both games are dishonourable he kills people even when it isn’t necessary lying to the people who believe in him and worst of all getting those close to him killed when it could’ve been avoided entirely (Hosea, Sean and Miss Grimshaw) he has some honourable moments but those are few and fair between it could be said he got Arthur killed but his tuberculosis would have killed him in the end anyway
I think the stress of running a gang at the brenk of collapse and also the suspension of any of them could be plotting against him could have lead him down the path of become a delusional psychopath we see in RDR 1 as well as losing a lot of his gang members including his best friend and two people he saw as his sons
I’d give the lawman a 10/10 and the bandits a 9/10 I think a lighter grip would make it look better but that’s just me
Because by the time the game began the massacre was fresh in the news so they probably didn’t have all the details also by 1907 Landon Rickets was in Mexico and John probably didn’t remember him until 1911 when he and Landon Rickets met
There is no way in hell Red is 17 he’s in his early 20’s (20 - 25) at the youngest
I don’t think that rockstar would pass up the opportunity to do a 3rd game because they say how hyped everyone was for RDR2 so not doing a 3rd game would be stupid also the chance to outdo themselves with a 3rd instalment would be stupid
There is a lot of evidence that could be used to say that Micah was a rat from the start and I’ll give some
The Blackwater ferry heist was all Micah’s idea so isn’t it a coincidence that the Pinkertons surrounded the gang so quickly as if they knew the gang would hit the ferry
Micah doesn’t get along with ANY of the gang members aside from Dutch and all the gang member express their hatred for Micah
Micah’s Behaviour throughout the game doesn’t change when he’s revealed to be a Pinkerton rat as throughout the story his actions create more heat for the gang and increases their infamy
4. When Hosea is shot during the saint Denise bank robbery Micah becomes Dutch’s right hand man and starts manipulating Dutch into making stupid decisions and eventually leading to the gangs downfall
These are are just a few examples I personally believe that he was a rat from the very beginning based on his actions throughout the story but that’s just me.
Ok but think about this what if the events of red dead revolver are being told as a story like a western book but the man Red Harlow exists so I’m saying that the events of revolver DID happen but not in the way we play them as in the game because a lot of western books do tend to exaggerate some details so maybe Red Harlow did exist but the events we play aren’t real?
Why it was a good joke