I just realized that a lot of Red Dead 2 reminds me of Uncharted, which isn’t a bad thing by any means, but they have quite a few things in common.
•Arthur/John both have an accessible journal like Nathan Drake which you can flip through.
•They sketch things and locations they come across, though the RDR journal is more focused on writing the character’s thoughts and recapping the story.
•The melee system in both is pretty similar and has an emphasis on brawling and counters.
•You come across and explore lot of abandoned places, though that’s a given in any open world game.
•Guarma seems like a location right out of Drake’s Fortune and A Thief’s End.
•The Strange Statue puzzle is another thing that would fit right in Uncharted.
Like I said, that isn’t a bad thing at all and probably wasn’t intentional, in fact, I love exploration elements in games and it gives me hope that more exploration elements are in GTA 6 or any upcoming game that R* has upcoming.