Besides the fact that it might need a little more context, the dialogue is good, and you kicked off the action very well, no hesitation, which I love in a story.
All and all, it's got a lot of potential and I'll rate this 9/10.
Anything in all black combined with the Bandit gear looks cool on Arthur (before asking, yeah I didn't put on the bandolier, but I figured that the suit looks good without it)
Black Everyday Pants
Deluxe Quickdraw Boots w/Spurs
Black Classic Frock Coat
Black Everyday Shirt
Black Opulent Vest
Black Stalker Hat
Bandit Gunbelt and Holsters
Unless it's RDR1 John, Arthur, 100%.
Always been the fan of the Cattleman. Simple, elegant, effective, and brutal with explosive rounds.
Give the pair a crapload of ammo, whiskey, and some rifles or repeaters.
Just... let the bounty hunters give up and eventually become fearful after losing at least 38 of their own.
It depends.
For one, it depends on the player. Arthur (in my playthroughs) is extremely skilled with any weapon that I personally acquired.
Personally, Arthur would win due to the fact that he's more experienced and is easily adaptable with using different weaponry, but I feel like John (even in RDR2) could easily beat him in a gunfight (5/10). Honestly, I would say it's a tie between who would win. The win could come in a lucky shot.
Mainly everyone will John in RDR1 would win and having played the RDR1 game and watched all of the cutscenes, John is more deadlier with a gun and has killed various bad guys rapidly with one bullet in either the head or chest without missing any shots.
If you were talking about H2H, Arthur would win, 9/10.
Each of them have their strengths. In my personal opinion, Arthur would beat all of them, with the possible exception of both Charles (who's on par with Arthur in terms of physicality) and Bill (who was in the military and possibly have some skill in H2H).
Arthur, 100%
Yeah, I hated that we have limited range in how we could customize our Arthur/John, but at least some of us try to look them more cooler than the other characters.
Always the two OG characters.
Personally, I don't think that Arthur would have loved anyone else after what happened to him in the past.
As for Arthur x Sadie, I think that it would have worked and if you look at some of the promotional pictures, you do see Arthur and Sadie together.
This is what I took from her wiki:
"She also has a softer side for Arthur and holds him in high regard, even admitting that he’s the only one in the gang who she truly trusts and is the best man she has known, second only to her husband. Her concern for Arthur is also exemplified when she insists on taking up physically demanding tasks by herself, including rowing a boat from Sisika Penitentiary and running-and-gunning to rescue Abigail, preventing Arthur from doing the same despite his protests. At Beaver Hollow, she also reminds Arthur to take care of himself in camp conversations."
This may show most players that Sadie does truly cared about Arthur as much as her late husband. Personally, if Arthur didn't love Mary and didn't catch TB, it could happen with him loving Sadie, but Arthur is and always will be canonically single without any love interest.
I know who's handsome (no homo), but most of these pics were screenshot and taken in Photo Mode (PS4) I don't know about your opinion, but I tried.
It just depends on the player. I've replayed the game multiple times to see how the honor system works and honestly, I liked him better in the high honor playthrough.
To be honest, I think that Arthur should been a model (he looks good, depending how the player customize Arthur) or a military operator (mostly special forces due to his combat proficiency with various weapons and collected mindset in certain missions) if he was born in the modern world.
Personally, I think Arthur would been more suited of being a soldier or bounty hunter due to his skillset, but everyone has a different opinion.