I haven't tested that out yet but I don't believe so. I think they only recorded dialogue twice, for low and high honor. I don't believe that they would record combinations of the honors for the dialogue, that would be too much.
It should be saved on the cloud.
^^I don't believe so, I think it's just for downloading.
Once, but it's not because I dislike it or only just enjoy it, it's because I love it so much that it emotionally changed me. I put off interacting with anything that is potentially emotional about the story, because, it just hurts.
It is a masterpiece and my favorite piece of media ever made. It is worth every single penny and you will love it. I have no complaints about it, I'm more into film, TV, and storytelling than gaming so I'm not an expert about gameplay, but from my experience, it's incredible. It feels so immersive and massive, I'd consider it the most realistic video game ever made. Overall it's the type of thing that you wish you could experience for the first time again, I sometimes run out of words for this game, just get it, and treasure your time with it.
Definitely Arthur, Lenny was a brother to him.