I almost never go to Van Horn because of the hostility, Strawberry (in my opinion is just a smaller Valentine) so I never find need to go there, I love causing drama in Rhodes, also Butcher Creek to take the hats,.
I hate Annesburg and almost never go there.
I have never intentionally caused drama in ST. Denis, but I usually hit someone with my horse.
Either LeMat or Schofield.
I loved the fishing and hunting missions and quests, but the herbalist challenges made me want to scream.
In the Bayou’s see a hanging corpse, just take off.
Also, the controller vibrates when it's scared, so wait until it stops.
A gold bar is under a lock box by the abandoned town near valentine, it will help you get a nice start.
Also, there is several treasures you can discover from maps that will provide you with lots of gold bars too. ALWAYS CARRY HORSE REVIVER (you can buy it at the general store or the stables), buy/find a good worthwhile horse (Turkoman/Foxtrotter/Arabian) etc, you won’t regret it. Keep a low bounty for easier gameplay. Donate and Upgrade camp often, buy the fast travel map, it’s insanely helpful. Buy the legend of the East satchel (unlocked by buying all the other satchels from the Fence, costly but helpful if you plan to explore. Spend time at the camp in chapter two, you will get unique requests and a few items such as a tattered jacket from Pearson for just a rabbit, accompanied by tons of honor. Keep a eye out while riding through they swamps of the Lagras, as well as Annesburg. Arthur’s actions and honor affect the entire story and dialogue, Ride slow through Saint Denis, especially during the night, it’s real easy the hurt someone, and the law is real serious there. Use dead eye frequently when under heavy attacks. Carry a cold outfit on you’re horse, it is very helpful. Take good care of you’re horse, and lastly, Always talk to strangers.
No, the story and dialogue is exactly the same for John no matter what his honor.