"Git down here, you inbred trash".
That's because it is.
Cowpoke Chronicles.
Play something else like Cyberpunk, GTA or FO4/76.
Mine would either be Algernon's revolver or the Otis Miller one.
I like the legendary yellow Alligator hat myself.
As I said, Old Trafford. (Formerly a fortress, now a prison, well for the home fans and players anyway lol.)
Old Trafford lol.
Especially Patrick Duffy.
Most of the Braithwaites, some of the Grays, but I like the 2 fellow RDR Leigh's: Gray and Johnson, but I prefer Johnson.
Poor bugger. Felt really sorry for him when he came into Shady Belle headless. He didn't deserve it.
It's pretty nifty.
Chapter six is Beaver Hollow, but apart from hunting, it's particularly sad bcos it's near the end of the game.
I chose Marshal Johnson because he's called Leigh, which is my name lol.
Clemens's Point was my fave camp.
Idk, I haven't got that far yet lol.
@BillybobTheDestroyer I totally get you mate.👍👍👍
The guy who's searching for Gavin is actually called Nigel.
He's got twisted logic.