OH. My. Goodness!!! Santa I am SO sorry I did not see this sooner!!! I was so busy with family this Christmas that they took up most of my time. I mean I haven't even opened any of my presents yet!! That's how occupied I've been, but hey, I still made sure I left plenty of cooked-chocolate chip cookies and milk for you, so you gotta give me that at least, right?
Nonetheless, THANK YOU so much for the new hockey stick Santa!!! My last one was a CCM but Bauer is a great brand, and while it's too late to start my professional hockey career, I've always been good at finding uses for things without using them for their original, intended purpose... you know how characters in video games and other media have their "signature" weapons? Well... if Judge Lawton's gavel is the "Hammer of Justice" in State of Decay, then this hockey stick will be my "Blade of Steel". I'll wrap the blade myself in finer, stronger material, and people like @KidColt.45 better watch out when I'm wielding this thing like Marty McSorley did before he nearly killed Donald Brashear and he upsets me, or he's going to have a nasty accident on the ice. I'll give him a "Slash from the Past", or maybe even a "Spear to Fear". We'll just have to see...
Thank you so much again Santa! Safe travels home and I hope I'll make it on your Nice list for next year again!!
I played RDR2 on release day when I was nearly 15. I haven't replayed it since the time I became an adult though, this game requires such a huge time commitment which I haven't been able to replicate since when I first played it
Not only did this guy reply to his own thread, he doesn't even have the very thing his post was about. Fandom Discussions approaching 2025 everybody!!
I've switched to PC since I first started playing RDO on my Xbox. therefore, you could say that my character died LOL
Blackwater is a city. The map of Blackwater that's in Ross' office in Undead Nightmare has the text "City of Blackwater" at the top of the frame.
As far as I know, Dead Eye doesn't actually exist in a story-sense. It's only a gameplay mechanic
@H. Roosevelt You - and everyone else for that matter - better believe it.
You might laugh now, but after I get this gig at Rockstar Toronto and MY name is in the credits for Red Dead Redemption III, NO one - I mean NOBODY - will be laughing anymore.
In all seriousness, I think this idea is fine. I just don't agree with #1, if the game isn't about Dutch and his "sons", that's fine, but I don't want Red Dead to be directly connected with GTA. It's not necessary to connect the two because of how much of a time gap there is between the latest point in Red Dead, and the earliest point in the HD Universe of GTA. What is it, like a 90 year gap or something between Jack gunning down Ross and the Prologue of GTA 5? I don't think it's worth it. Let both of these games have their separate universes.
Not too surprising. You play these games as an outlaw. You're looking at law enforcement and general society through the eyes of an outlaw.
It also doesn't help that the game itself portrays law enforcement as corrupt, even without taking into consideration that the gangs they're hunting down are also bad. That's why I don't understand why people commend Ross for his efforts. The guy was content with wiping out an entire group of Native Americans just so another guy could get elected as governor as part of one of his pledges.
Milton was also fine with gunning down an entire house full of outlaws, but also innocent women and children. What exactly could warrant people like Grimshaw, Tilly, or even young Jack to be killed in an effort to wipe out a gang? At most, they could be wanted for harbouring fugitives, but that doesn't mean they should be killed either.
@BillybobTheDestroyer this is unfortunately a common bug in the game. I think its been in the game ever since it first released and it was never fixed. I'm not surprised to see it didn't get fixed in the latest ports. I'll try not to make this too long, but this bug has been reported on the Wiki lots of times over the years, and I think I know what causes it, so I want to write an informative reply here for people to see later on if they have the same issue.
With that out of the way, I'm 110% sure the reason why towns suddenly become lost without warning is because there's a bug in the game's system with how and when towns become under attack. Basically how the whole system works is that all 20 non-permanently safe towns will come under attack in the order that you first saved them (unless you go through the whole game without saving a few). that's why Blackwater always comes under attack first in every playthrough, and that's why you'll never see any of the towns in Mexico come under attack after you first save them unless you spend a lot of time playing through the game.
The problem with this system is that the script that is supposed to launch a town becoming under attack may suddenly "break". I don't think there's anything specific you can do playing the game for this script to break, it just breaks and there isn't anything you can do about it. Now when this script breaks, the town in-game won't come under attack. However, internally, the town is under attack, and survivors are indeed dying. It's just not happening in the game because the script to execute a town coming under attack is broken. That's why you don't ever get a warning about a town with a broken under-attack script that it's indeed under attack. You only get a notice that it has become lost much later.
As far as I know, there is no way to fix this unfortunately. I've had this happen to me in numerous playthroughs. I once had MacFarlane's Ranch and Las Hermanas get this bug before I even completed the game. I had to do the final cutscene of "Mother Superior Blues" while the entire place was swarming with undead lmao, but yeah, I don't think you can fix it. All you can do really is either deal with it and save the town as it comes under attack, or just let it be infested, but regardless of what you do, the survivors won't come back, because the game considers them dead.
Now despite that, there is at least a way you can tell if a town in your game has gotten this bug. If you can memorize the exact order in which you saved each town up until the point you've reached currently in your game (so for example, Blackwater > Manzanita Post > Cochinay > Pacific Union Railroad Camp > Thieves' Landing > MacFarlane's Ranch), you can tell if one of those towns has the bug if the game skips them. Let's say Manzanita Post for example. So when you're playing through the game and you clear all the towns, once you save Blackwater and then save Manzanita Post, if the next town after Blackwater that comes under attack is Cochinay and not Manzaita Post even though you saved Manzanita Post after Blackwater, you have the bug in Manzanita Post. Another way to tell if you have the bug is to visit a town you suspect might have the bug (like Manzanita Post) and look for survivors. If the town is safe, but there are absolutely no survivors around even though you know for sure they survived the last time you were there, the town is bugged.
Sorry for the long post, I again just wanted to be informative. I've had this bug so many times over the years and its been documented on multiple pages on the Wiki.
TL;DR: you can't fix it, it's a common bug in the game and its never been fixed
Yes you can. The bounty hunting missions can be done at any time, and you aren't required to do any as John
Gotta love how out of all the replies that were sent in this thread, only one is considered by you, @DaDragonSavage ,to be "correct". It's also the only reply of its kind, the only reply that consists of an opinion that corresponds with what you think. Are you insinuating we're all wrong? How can someone have a wrong reply for rejecting an unconfirmed theory?
Bronte appears to care about his associates. I don't get that same feeling from all the other faction leaders who seem to treat you as disposable if you aren't important enough to them
Colonel Favours needed more to him other than wanting to retire with at least one successful conflict won on his name
Eldin Grubb (Armadillo undertaker)
@TheBandit025Nega Buddy... come on.
GTA Vice City takes place before both III and San Andreas. Is GTA Vice City now the sequel to the prequel's prequel?
Vice City Stories takes place before all of III, Vice City, San Andreas, and additionally Liberty City Stories. Is Vice City Stories now the sequel to the prequel, itself which was the prequel's prequel, one of which prequel's was a sequel to that prequel, but is also technically a prequel?
I'm trying my best not to make this a big deal and get all nerdy on you, but this is such a really weird thing to be hung up on. Sequels are numbered as such since they are successors to a previous game based on release date, not by whether or not the game takes place before or after the previous games' events. For all intents and purposes, RDR2 is the sequel to RDR1. It isn't in a story sense, but it's newer than RDR1, so it's still a sequel.
You couldn't write out RDR2 for some reason?
Anyway I don't think I ever used the LeMat in RDR2 (or if I did, I don't remember using it) so I voted RDR1 by default. The LeMat in RDR1 was one of the greatest guns in that game.
"Why don't you try arresting me? So we can all have a good laugh."
Mr. Mansion
In my first playthrough of the game, I was in the middle of low honor since I enjoyed robbing trains and doing other sinful activities. I didn't understand what the wolf or deer scenes meant, and I didn't want to look them up since I didn't want to be spoiled.
In my second playthrough, I was a good boy!!
I never believed it and I never will. if Uncle is Red Harlow, General Diego is Colonel Allende. I don't care. I do not care.
I agree with @Saintgliso - just ignore them. I understand that these people are constant, but try not to be too bothered by it. all that matters is that you know what you know, and you believe what you believe.