Weird request, but would someone who has RDR be able to send me/reply with photos of the interior? There's no good photos online and I don't have the game. Thank y'all!
The UFOs are always cool to see. The bear cabin by Pronghorn was also a fun scare XD
There is not a blackjack table in the Saint Denis saloon (there isn't anything on the second floor besides the bathroom and rentable room).
I mean, there doesn’t have to be a reason for it *shrug* some people just enjoy seeing representation of a character, or maybe R* just wanted to write him like that. There doesn’t always have to be a reason to character attributes like being gay- it’s the same reason you wouldn’t ask why a character is straight or white.
“The Joys of Civilization” is my least favorite b/c my game kept glitching out when I’d go for the gold medal -.-
It’s more like cal-you-mey
@GTACryptidBuster my white Arab in my first playthrough got clipped by a train halfway through chapter 6. Rip Nadia the first
@Leprechaunlauch Yeah, I’m not sure they had a concrete idea of when she’d have been born when they were making RDR, which is why she doesn’t have a grave at Beecher’s Hope, but with RDR2 it only makes sense for her to have been born there. Even if she had been born and died in the gang, they would’ve mentioned her like they did with Isaac.
@Leprechaunlauch totally (although he washes his face sometimes when loading in or when he’s super dirty) I get Arthur maybe preferring a private bathhouse or something, but John makes no sense. It’s his house, he has a room literally dedicated to bathing. Why can’t he bathe?
I felt sad when he died but had known about it for a while (got spoiled and then watched his slow decline) so it’s never brought me to tears. Still the best video game death imo
@Thelittlebigpig this could just be my bias, since I played the second game first, but I honestly feel like it fixed a lot of the weird plot details from RDR. I can't really think of any plotholes RDR2 would've added (except maybe John's daughter still not being mentioned, or born, but then again they never say she was born while he was in the gang) but I'd also like to hear your opinion on that since I totally get hating what the sequel does to the game universe.
I feel like I've named custom outfits? It might be RDO only.
As for nitpicks, a lot of the horse stuff is inaccurate (some of the coat color names, their tails) or just bad for them (i.e. cantering on the cobblestone (although they are shoed) or sitting around in camp fully saddled all the time) but they're otherwise so well done it doesn't bother me too bad. I also hate not being able to bathe at Beecher's Hope and not being able to move quicker with bales/corn sacks. Or always getting jumpscared by cougars -_-
I mentioned in the trivia for the Henri Lemieux missions that the first letter he sends is dated May 1899, despite this being essentially impossible lol. I just assume each chapter is about 2 weeks (+an unknown amt of travel time to and from Guarma, maybe at least a week) and each timeskip is also 2, which would end the game in like September. I also like what @NinjaCraftYT said
@PolishTheTortuga I agree. They could've made millions off the RD franchise if they gave it half the effort they give GTA. I don't even care about a third RDR (I don't think there's anything left of the gang's story they couldn't sum up with a DLC or epilogue, or that we don't already know enough about for it to be interesting) I just want them to give this story and franchise what it deserves.
I was incredibly excited for it, even if it wasn't a full remaster and didn't have some of the features I wanted from a remake or rerelease, but $50 is completely ridiculous. I didn't even pay that for RDR2, which has double the features and content, let alone a 13 year old game with no improvements (that's technically losing content!)
@TTunion haven't been on for a while so haven't worked on it but I'll probably start again soon (was mostly done besides the interior and the barn.) I'll post when it's done!
Thank you so much! It was for a sims recreation, so thank you for all the detail!
Weird request, but would someone who has RDR be able to send me/reply with photos of the interior? There's no good photos online and I don't have the game. Thank y'all!
Pump shotgun with explosive bullets is my personal favorite, or just any form of dynamite