Calling Edith's son gay? Strauss working with Gicov? Arthur having a rivalry with a Living Tree? Were these people on crack!??
Gicov shootin' Arther was the best.
He is lazy and boring.
Calling Edith's son gay? Strauss working with Gicov? Arthur having a rivalry with a Living Tree? Were these people on crack!??
Well, ur either a simp or a muhsogynist.
Consumed by fear.
Our convo was copying at a numerous rate.
I'm an old madam, do not be a fool.
Mr Morgen isn't on the list, kiddo.
Well, the proof will come between the line tonight. Time will tell if u can help or not.
That must be Biggie Smoke?
Who is Micha? And why is everyone praising this Douche guy? He had quite the manipulative and silver tongue, didn't he?
He got drunk, the young fool. Very puny.
Revolver, of course. You young folk these days! Only care about socialism and communism, two systems that failed that Douche preached.
All alcohol-loving savages.
Now who is this Douche fella? That anarchist who hung out with them indians in Fallen Creek? I doubt someone like that could ever be a good man, robbing banks and such. Robbing us old folk of our hard-earned moneh! Gicov was right...
Hell nah! I saw the young boy drinking in Mehico.
Who is this? Prostitution is always dishonourable.
Young ppl these days...
Rj Peart, you numbskulls.
West Elizabeth, mountain's mamma!