I finished The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed?
Uh I'm pretty sure he didn't get his sickness from a bullet
Also who actually chose Robin Hood?
I still love the amount of detail rockstar put in to the point where Arthur and John have different aiming techniques
Me personally I really like Nuevo Paraiso
Arthur can also use a bow and has explosive arrows
I’m not disagreeing with you and I’m pretty sure that he’s not Red Harlow and I’m just suggesting these different opinions
1) one YouTuber (I forgot who) said that red dead revolver could be an over exaggerated retelling of something that happened in the red dead world and that uncle could be the red dead redemptions version of Red Harlow.
2) Maybe he was ashamed of what he did as a gunslinger and put on his lazy act so that nobody would suspect him as an gunslinger
3) Red dead revolver is an older game and of course the characters look very strange as it is an original Xbox game however I do see a very slight resemblance in between them
4) It is true that he is know as a liar and doesn’t speak much truth but we have no proof that he was lying or proof that he was telling the truth
5) Again could be part of the lazy act he is putting on
6) This is like the one thing that basically makes the theory impossible
Again, I am NOT disagreeing with you I am simply presenting another way that you can think of the theory as. Me personally I don’t think that uncle is Red
Honestly Milton was not that corrupted and he gave the gang multiple chances to live their own lives, killing Hosea was the last resort after the gang refused his offers
However a lot of the US soldiers are not killing them.. well let’s say positively as a lot of soldiers are shown expressing their hate
Why would it be free if it’s paid for on Xbox 💀
Nah the six people who said yes are being tracked down by the Pinkerton 💀
Bro pulled a Micah in that one scene in American venom 💀
Okay! Here’s the entirety of the main building in Ridgewood farm plus the barn! :)
Let me know if you need anything else or if I missed something!
Relax dude I was just wondering
I have red dead redemption one but why do you want this?
Oop- I know that it’s a stranger mission but on the wiki page it showed the stranger mission question mark as pink so I was confused
I finished The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed?
Ah that makes sense! Thank you for clearing that up
I just realized how weird it was considering that well, it a criminal move and that in Redemption one you do lose honour when you kill law
Bro has short term memory loss 💀