Ima lock this now, hopefully everyone will get over it.
What an ending! This is probably the best looking yet!
Childskin vest! (I’m kidding)
Dang, already 5 years? Oh well, (late) happy anniversary red dead redemption 2!!!
There’s a reason not a lot of gangs exist nowadays. They would be blown to hell their first robbery.
@Springtrapisweirdashell im talking about a comment about his father a I deleted
@ImprovisedExplosiveDev Let’s try not to trigger any grief or sorrow, even if you meant no harm.
^ Yeah Bounties are better to start off with but Collector makes more cash. When you get a bounty, you will need to wait for the time limit on the mission to hit about 5 secs before entering the sheriffs office, as for some reason it gives you more exp and I think cash. During this waiting period, I look around for items as collector, to kill 2 birds with one stone.
I have an idea that your teasing your next chapter. In all seriousness, I think that R* made her to actually love him, but the first two times you see her it seems like she’s just getting stuff out of you.
I honestly think that the story with its fear of the unknown, sorrow, lessons learned the hard way, and it’s ironies toward the main theme make it “The Iliad” of video games. As long as you check in with his parents, I would highly suggest it.
@Zeonic79 is your questions answered? if so then maybe
We are not referring to you, rather a guy whose really long messages were deleted. And again, please stop spamming and just edit one post.
@ArthuMorga I do kind of agree with what you put on his wall. It was very generous and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
@ArthuMorga You. A lot. His text could’ve been like 5 sentences long if he kept them out. Also half of his reasons were just insults with a fact that had nothing to do with what you were saying.
@Levi de Santa apologies, I meant Levi Simon, but potato pot’a toe
In a cleared out police station in Saint Denis, after taking out all the officers and putting on there uniforms, we’d be working right under everyone’s noses, and the entire town can be run by us. We’d tell the higher ups and the officers they were killed in a freak shootout with our opposing gang, making the town hate and oppress them more than us. After that, we give a 21 gun salute for the officers, and have hired guns shoot all the higher ups in the process, Dark Knight style. We’d then have members control what goes in and out of the city. Finally applying me as their Savior and leader, promising to bring the city back to greatness. Blinded by grief, they believe me and I turn it into a @Levi de Santa style dictatorship. (This is clearly satire, but sorry for the dark turn anyway.)
@THEMAN12345654321 You realize you can edit posts right? You didn’t need to post that many comments
@ArthuMorga I got you, I was just about to.
I think 6
Yeah, imagine that.