This game would be a masterpiece. It would be set in the GOlden Age of Piracy maybe around 1664.
Story: At first I thought it could be like GTA V with 3 playable protagonists, but I think just one would be good. The character could be a pirate who is only in his third years working on a crew. However, the captain already loves him, even more than the crew og's and his own criminal son. The crew has been around since 1650, and are wanted by the British, French, Spanish, and Dutch govts. The main villain would be a Lord Beckket inspired villain who is a higherup in the British East India Company. At the same time, the British, French, Spanish, and Dutch Navies are hot on the crews tail. Also there could be some opium trader dude who works with the crew, until it is revealed he betrayed them and sold them out to British. Maybe, there could also be a rival pirate crew, who is way more dishonorable and sadistic. The crew has lots of tension with each other, cuz of the protagonist being the captains favorite. Idk how the game would end, maybe yal have ideas.
Weapons: You enter the game with a basic cutlass and flintlock. You can upgrade your weapons and get better ones as you get more money. You also will have the ability to beat people up with your fists and brawl with dudes.
Drinks, Opium, Brothels and Gambling: Just like in Red Dead you can gamble in taverns. You should be able to play like cards or some kinds dice game in bars. Beer and rum can be purchased in taverns. Wine and brandy would be the most expensive liquor and can only be purchase in Social Clubs (taverns for annoying rich people). You will probably get thrown out of social clubs and refusing to leave will start a fight with the authorities. Brothels and prostitues could be interacted with, but brothels have there own rules, like if you hit the prostitute your honor will go down and you will prob start a fight with the brothel owners. You can also save prostitues like in rdr2 from abusive jerks. Opium can be smoked in pipes and the result will have your screen blury and hazy. After a few smokes, you will fall asleep and your health and focus bars will go down.
Honor system: I mentioned earlier about honor. Yes the game will have an honor bar. Doing acts like freeing slaves and raiding plantations and killing slave traders , donating to the poor, will increase your honor. Abusing animals etc will dramatically decrease your honor.
Crimes: You and the crew will probably do missions where you plunder or hijack rich merchant vessels. You can also rob banks on land and loot trading outposts. You can also kidnap and raid the mansions of evil businesspeople and slaveholders. On top of this, common missions would be treasure hunting and finding treasure chests. Pickpocketing and mugging is also possible.
Side missions: Side quests could be really simple like doing chores around the ship, or exploring islands and colonies. You could also have random encounters with people, who u can help or ignore. A side mission example would be getting hired by a local crime boss and smuggler to protect a shipment of stolen goods, of course it could go side ways and u would fight the cops.
Overall I think this game would be amazing. Any other ideas?