I got a copy of Redemption, once I find it I'd be willing to help you
Lol another day, another random neckbeard troll who has some pathetic vendetta against me for no reason. Wah wah, I'm so hurt and discouraged by little Timothy's insults
Honestly just add mod support for consoles so we can port online content to story mode such as ponchos and NPCs such as Madam Nazar
@ImprovisedExplosiveDev If you don't like being "guilt tripped" for making fun of someone who recently lost a relative, then maybe you shouldn't make such immature and pathetic comments. Get the fuck out of here before I report you to the site administrator
@ImprovisedExplosiveDev It was my dad's favorite movie before he died, so my family saw it as a memorial
Sea of Colorado
@RedDeadRedemptionNeedsToBeOnPs4 Lol ur mad
@RedDeadRedemptionNeedsToBeOnPs4 Shouldn't you change that username to "RedDeadRedemptionIsOnPs4"?
@Russell Mays Make sure to keep an eye on this one. He seems to be very inclined to disrespect those he disagrees with.
Maybe they could add Alphonse Renaud (the doctor whose wagon is stolen by racists) and you could meet him and become a traveling medicine man. You could hire guards who defend the wagon from rival players (who may also be doctors trying to steal your supplies for their wagon) while you're away. One in the passenger seat and one in the back.
It would be interesting if you could open a saloon
Who did he insult if I may ask?
Like Nesquick said, just stick to story mode. It's much more entertaining in the long run and the jobs in RDO are boring as hell. If you're on PC, you can probably just mod most of Online's content to story mode anyways
I already quit that game... it took me a week to grind 1200 dollars and 500 of it was the Social Club bonus. In that amount of time, I could have grinded over a couple million in GTA Online. If you have the Ultimate Edition, you get some free money and items
@Thelittlebigpig Fr man. Maybe it's because I always keep the black shire you get early on in Chapter 2 but the horses feel so damn slow in Redemption 2. I get it's for more realism but honestly at the end of the day, it's more harmful for it to be "realistic" than for it not to be, similar to the friendly fire system in Rainbow Six Siege
@H. Roosevelt I think we should lock this thread down before he comes back on yet another alt account.
@Raphael Supertrampe You literally defended his misogynistic comments (which in turn makes you a misogynist) by saying he "had reasons" to say them. Any decent fucking human wouldn't think the opposite gender is inferior. Then you called him "super handsome" which just makes it look like you're an alt account or an associate of his.
And in case you didn't notice, I reported you for defending him. The way you defend and compliment him makes it seem like you're either an alt account or part of some troll gang that he is also in. Just spare us all the trouble and tell us who the other members are