Try finding more mysteries, do the side missions you missed, or do collectables to get rewards.
Poor kid
Im not saying he’s not corrupt or that he’s a good person but like you being biased and spreading lies is what pissed me off
Him having connections with Fussar is false where did you get that from. And of course he’s going to work for Cornwall, Cornwall specifically payed the Pinkertons to destroy the gang and the Agency chose Milton on the job. This is a very biased, stubborn, and false take
Non are good people. And most players know that
This is my thoughts on Ross’s corruption and evil and dissing the saying of Milton “Just doing his job” Milton also did horrible stuff like torturing Mac after a time he knew he would stay loyal to Dutch but still killed him instead of putting him in prison or having him be executed in a more lawful way.
Fired a machine gun in a shack with women and a child inside the shack he knew they were there because he had visited the gang’s camp multiple times and knew what people were there he even saw Jack directly one time and still fired the minigun without a warning or hesitation at all.
He also said he enjoyed killing Hosea and Lenny which yes he completed the job of killing 2 very important gang members you are supposed to fill fullfilled and accomplished yes but he got sadistic pleasure out of their deaths which is totally different from feeling well at completing a job that you wanted to complete for years. So yeah Milton is not doing it “By the law” that's BS.
But he still has morals that Ross doesn't have He mostly talks with the gang with the utmost respect, unlike Ross who is just a prick to John for the whole game and treats him like a robot disregarding the fact that the guys he ordered John to kill people he called family and wanting him to kill or capture the gang members with no hesitation or remorse like John never cared about them.
Also, Ross has John do all his dirty work by unlawfully kidnapping Abigail and Jack and forcing John to capture Javier, Bill, and Dutch, Milton can have informants but he doesn't order them to kill or do all his dirty work in capturing the criminals, no they can help like informing about the gang’s hideout, talking about the gang’s plan etc Ross does the complete opposite.
Milton gave Dutch 2 warnings before going psycho mode and he also wouldn't have done all these things if it wasn't for Cornwall pressuring him to give results.
Ross captured John’s family without a warning he just did and forced John to do all his work for him. Milton also gave the gang 2 warnings and 3 whole days to turn their life around and if they helped Milton they would have a new life which I believe is true and Milton is going to stick with his word.
Ross says this to John but is nothing but a lie as Ross tells John that this is his chance for redemption but then kills him as soon as he reunites with his family like just 3 weeks later. I'm saying that Milton is not a good person not in the slightest but he’s much of a better person than Ross. Milton is the personification of ends justify the means while Ross is the personification of Corruption.
Ross cares about improving his career
Milton cares about “destroying the savages from the world”.
Fussar didn’t need to enslave the entire island that is not his job
Yeah Milton is still a villain. He isn’t really a good person. I just don’t understand how he’s viewed more hateable than Micah
It’s up to interpretation that’s very clear a lot of red dead characters said he changed. John said “Still the same bastard he turned into” Sadie said That that isn’t the same men who saved her. Arthur has said multiple times that he’s 50/50 on whether he changed or he was just showing who he truly was
I literally explained why I think it’s not a facade. He literally had a moral code for TWENTY FREAKING YEARS. And there is no evidence he broke his code, until blackwater and the events of Rdr2 i really think that Dutch changed as more time passed by.
Isn’t that what he’s supposed to do. Micah destroyed the gang for himself. Milton thinks he’s destroying evil in the world
Dafuq. How
Dutch is the best character of red dead in my opinion and people saying he was this narcissistic psychopath since the start is just simply not true there are a lot of factors to whey he turned darker and darker.
First off Dutch was always bad as he was a criminal since he was 15 but always had a moral code this videogame slowly shows us how this moral code gets eventually deteriorated. The first thing that makes Dutch go darker is the pressure he has on himself people are starting to doubt him which has never happened in the gangs history. So he becomes desperate to get a major victory to win back the trust some of the gang members have lost so he starts trying to win money to escape to paradise but the failures that transpire hoseas, Sean’s, and Lenny’s death he thinks were all practically his fault so he tries everything he can for that never to happen again and this includes shattering his code.
This is first shown in Guarma when he kills the old woman because she was in his way this shows us that his code of “no unnecessary killing” is now gone but he did this to save Javier faster meaning that his code of “leave no one behind” is still In tact.
In my personal opinion I think that Dutch just wanted to go to a country in peace but go back to the USA with a new gang he doesn’t care about and continue fighting for a anarchistic paradise and he would’ve continued on fighting until that worldview was implanted on the USA the bad thing Is Dutch doesn’t even know how to do this. He just keeps on fighting.
But back to why Dutch became more evil as time passed by now we’re on chapter 6 now Dutch shattering his entire code in this chapter was in my opinion MOSTLY because of Micah and nobody else, Micah preyed on Dutch’s trust issues about John and straight up told him that he was a traitor to Dutch, Micah also preyed on Dutch wanting survival for his gang telling him that doing impulsive, vengeful, and destructive acts is the only way for survival, Micah does all of this because it benefits him as he wants to be the most powerful member and the one who makes the most money he wants Dutch to be completely trust him so he needs to get rid of people like John and Arthur to get that position, And Micah manipulated Dutch so well that he believed him he ditched his entire code for survival in paradise he leaves Abigail behind to save his own skin as saving Abigail would be too risky again Micah manipulated him into doing this decision. But he actually saw Micah for who he was and avenged Arthur if it was just to kill Micah because he betrayed him he would have taken the money. So this is how I view Dutch’s decline.
Ever heard of hunting and leaving the bones because you were lazy
I have my theory on how it will play out and it’s VERY VERY different from rdr2
Join the Van Der Linde gang just to earn profits as his gang was disbanded
Manipulate Dutch into robbing the ferry boat in Blackwater so that Micah could get rich and leave the gang and possibly start his own gang
Work with the Odriscolls and The Pinkertons to capture a gang member so that most of the gang comes to the rescue and then they would be surprised with not just the Odriscolls but the Pinkertons as well so that the Van Der Linde gang is killed in one fell swoop. He does this as Dutch’s gang is losing profits and he sees Dutch’s bounty which is very big and The Pinkertons are going to pay him very well for his efforts of capturing and killing most of the gang.
He hears That the Van Der Linde gang is going to rob a bank he is content with this idea since his cut is going to be possibly massive so that then he could leave the gang with the profits he has accumulated. And possibly start his own gang after he left the Van Der Linde gang
Get constantly into Dutch’s ear to go back for the Blackwater money he tries to manipulate Dutch saying is for the survival of the gang and freedom in another country. But actually, he just wants the money for himself possibly stealing it all betraying the gang, and staying in hiding for a while after he steals the gang’s heist. And again possibly starting his own gang.
After Guarma Micah is scared for his life as the Pinkertons and the authorities are closing into the Van Der Linde gang harder than ever. He now works directly with the Pinkertons instead of just as an informant of the Odriscolls who then gives the information to the Pinkertons but now he works directly giving them information on their plans and the state of the gang.
Try to kill the Van Der Linde gang after giving the location of the Van Der Linde’s gang hideout in Lakay. He obviously is going to get substantial money for being an informant.
Now that he has fully manipulated Dutch into believing him to be a very loyal enforcer and a great friend he sees this as an opportunity to win more cash as he convinces Dutch to do impulsive and destructive acts and tells Dutch false narratives continuously saying that Arthur and John are traitors and that all of Dutch’s impulsive plans is the right thing to do.
After the long-awaited and planned train robbery succeeds he plans to take his cut of the money with Dutch and leave the United States with him. He possibly will leave after he has successfully left the United States and possibly Force the boat captain to take him back while the gang stays in TAHITI.
Because of Arthur’s interference, his plan doesn’t work out as he would have wanted so he instead goes out to kill Arthur as Dutch fully believes that Arthur is a traitor and tries to gain a bigger trust within Dutch when he kills him. But instead of trusting him more, he sees Micah for who he really is and leaves much to Micah’s anger.
But it worked out better for him actually as he stole every last penny of the train robbery and regained the money from Blackwater has complete law immunity as he works with the Pinkertons and started his own gang, Just like he always wanted a lot of money complete law immunity and his own gang. But because he killed Arthur his past came back to haunt him which led to his death.
Additional Note: I think Micah when he was a rat was manipulating Dutch AND the Pinkertons as he wanted Dutch to do impulsive things because it benefits him and gets him more power in the gang and also destroying it. So more gang members dying Micah is just saying that the gang is rotting towards the pinkertons and they pay him for that for literally destroying the gang bit by bit. So when Micah was going to go to Tahiti he had complete control over Dutch and would completely manipulate him to do more destructive acts to get more money that benefits him. When he gets bored of Dutch he’ll just leave TAHITI to make his own Gang in The Us. But that’s just my theory
The origin of Micah bell