Honestly I quite like it, I nice little fishing town and I like the bait store. In online I like the free roam missions you get there too
The one where you capture him
The one where you kill him
112 Votes in Poll
I love both
You sir are a fish
I love all the missions
Honestly every single one of those options I love
@BillybobTheDestroyer the crocodiles are quite useful for the trading role lol
112 Votes in Poll
Honestly I quite like it, I nice little fishing town and I like the bait store. In online I like the free roam missions you get there too
Schofield main side arm second side arm can change Lancaster repeater and pump shotgun on back or if I am hunting I will hav a bow and arrow
I know that people were saying bad things as there posse and horse names but it’s still vey annoying. Like I had a cool name for my posse and now it’s just my username’s posse. And the horses I had fun naming my horses and I know I can still see them but it was fun as me and my friends came up with names that ryhms.
Nah I still like rdo it’s fun