The best ammunition for revolvers or pistols.
If my memory serves me right, the Antique Watch makes the amulet that makes the weapon's condition fade slower.
I use the regular watch sold at the general store. You can get one for free by going to that abandoned church the Lemoyne Raiders use as their makeshift camp, near Braithwaite Manor.
The best ammunition for revolvers or pistols.
Cholla Springs reminds me of a friend. May God rest his soul.
I typed the title incorrectly, sorry.
It's like that with all games. I remember being very sad when I finished the main story of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes when I was younger. There was no fun in playing the game anymore.
Even though I hate the Lemoyne Raiders and think they're stupid, Lemoyne always has a special place in my heart. That's where I fell in love with the franchise.
What I feel about Abigail is something that I am not able to express in words or even in writing, but I think you will be able to get an idea.
She lost my empathy when she refers to Jack as "my son" instead of "our son" when she's talking to John.