So, I might so a Socially Awkward vs Average vs Awesome vs Super Extreme video featuring my favourite character Sadie. Sone other RDR Characters including GTA Characters even Lucia.
If you don’t know what Socially Awkward vs Average vs Awesome vs Super Extreme is it is a GoAnimate or VYOND series people do. I have Wrapper Offline for my computer. So when I have time, I might be able to do the video…
So, I might so a Socially Awkward vs Average vs Awesome vs Super Extreme video featuring my favourite character Sadie. Sone other RDR Characters including GTA Characters even Lucia.
You to. I am still on hiatus.
You have a point.
Also I hope he puts Abusing Multiple Account: He will not come back yayyyyyyyy!
Now, if he bans it. I will not freak out! I will prove it to you.
In November I decided to give up. Stop impersonating others and move to GTA Reddit.
Also. I will prove to you that I am mature and I don’t care about being banned! I will even look on the GTA Wiki discord to see how impressed they are. Hey @Monkeypolice188 come on! Ban this account! In fact, do not let me edit my own talk page! I don’t care anymore and I am not being a administrator.
I apologized to Jordan and he forgave me for all the users I impersonated. I was just upset because I couldn’t hang out with you guys anymore but since you still work here, I joined the Red Dead community instead of GTA Wiki because it was a sh*tty experience. Also, I do not want to hang out with @Monkeypolice188 @Kamikatsu (My secret crush don’t tell anyone) @SJWalker (The guy who hacked me) and I can’t forget @LS11sVaultBoy
I realized what I did. I don’t wanna be apart of the GTA Wiki anymore.
Give both of us a break! Yes! I got Jordan isle banned. But I realized that GTA Wiki is not important. So, I unbanned him. Stopped working there Like I said. I stopped contributing there. Now leave me alone! I will be playing all the HD Universe GTA games in order. Now you are starting to look like the bad person. Pablo.
And to my friend @Jordan isle you play on PS4. However, unfortunately I am stuck still on xBox 360. I sold my xBox One to get a xBox Series X when GTA 6 comes out.
Fun fact: The last GTA was released on xBox 360. That is crazy.
I know that because I was looking at the game and both of them are actually very close. I was reading about it on Wikipedia and it is crazy.
RDR Reminds me of The Polar Express. That movie had realistic animation and it came out in 2004. When I watched it when I was younger, I actually thought it was live action LAMO.
I play GTA 5 on xBox 360. Since then the Online servers are shutdown. But it is ok.
I know that. That is why I only have XSX with no games
Also. I wanna say one thing! The moment I lost my old Azure account on Fandom I realized I made a big mistake in impersonating @Jordan isle at the GTA Community. It shows despite me being Mad at all the GTA Wiki employees like LM670 and Monkeypolice188 for blocking me and impersonating everyone there as revenge, I do care about @Jordan isle deep down and started to realize how much the main users were more important than me. and the staff are just people who are trying to mess with me.
It is the only thing I have. I have a xBox Series X. But not playing games on it until GTA 6.
I only have GTA 5 on xBox 360.
What we talking about? I know nothing about horses.
My oldest account was hacked and it was a big mistake. (LM670/Matrexpingvin) had to finish it. Then my other account AIGEM245 got blocked on July 20 and I impersonated everyone on GTA Wiki including Jordan isle. I still feel really bad. Maybe if I wait a while. They can forget. LM670 blocked me on YT anyhow.
Also, why would Matrexpingvin say he had enough with me on my own block long???
It was a long road for me at GTA Wiki. I tried to become administrator and I messed up. The AIGEM account was blocked because it is linked to Graystripe C400’s account.
Since you guys are still on GTA Wiki and I am not. I mean this account is not blocked on there because I haven’t used it yet and I’m probably not going back there. You can still join me on GTA Reddit.
I was on Reddit and talked why the Bad Guys 2 poster looked like Red Dead. I gotten a lot of up votes. However people said I should play it even though I usually play. The HD Universe GTA games in chronological order every holiday. I still plan on doing it. I miss GTA Wiki a lot.