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Machine volante est un point d'intérêt présent dans la région de Cholla Springs, dans l'état de New Austin.


La Machine volante est une machine volante qui s'est écrasée après un ou plusieurs test. La machine appartient à Charles Kinnear, un inventeur et testeur de machine volante.


Entre 1898 et 1907, Charles Kinnear teste une machine près du cimetière de Oddfellow's Rest. Le test échoue mais il survie à la chute.


En 1907, John Marston peut trouver ce point d'intérêt et le dessiner dans le journal d'Arthur.






Lieux dans Red Dead Redemption II(C)
Ambarino(C) Grizzlies East(C) Barrow LagoonBeartooth BeckCairn LakeCairn LodgeCattail PondChez PorterClawson's RestColterDeadboot CreekDodd's BluffDormin CrestEwing BasinGlacierGranite PassLake IsabellaMammouthMicah's HideoutMillesani ClaimMount HagenPlanters BaunAdler RanchSpider GorgeTempest RimTombe profanéeWhinyard StraitWindow Rock
Grizzlies West(C) Calumet RavineCotorra SpringsDonner FallsFairvale ShantyFlattened CabinMartha's SwainMoonstone PondMysterious Hill HomeO'Creagh's RunRéserve Indienne de WapitiTempest RimThe LoftThree SistersVeteran's HomesteadWitches Cauldron
New Hanover(C) Heartlands(C) Arbre torduBard's CrossingFeu de brousaillesCaliban's SeatCarmody DellCastor's RidgeChadwick FarmCitadel RockCornwall Kerosene & TarCumberland FallsDakota RiverDownes RanchEmerald RanchEmerald StationFlatneck StationGill LandingGranger's HoggeryGuthrie FarmHani's BethelHeartland Oil FieldsHeartland OverflowHorseshoe OverlookLarned SodLimpanyLucky's CabinOil DerrickPierre à souvenirsRidge ViewRelais commercialTwin Stack PassValentine
Cumberland Forest(C) Bacchus BridgeBacchus StationDakota RiverFirwood RiseFort WallaceSix Point Cabin
Roanoke Ridge(C) AnnesburgBeaver HollowBlack Balsam RiseBrandywine DropBrandywine Drop StationButcher CreekCentral Union Railroad CampClingmanDeer CottageDoverhillElysian PoolFire Lookout TowerFort BrennandHuron GlenJameson Mining and Coal CompanyKamassa RiverLannahechee RiverMacLean's HouseManito GladeManmade MutantMeteor HouseMeteoriteManoir de Van HornMossy FlatsMossy Flats GraveyardOld World ScriptsOsman GroveReed CottageRoadside BrothelRoanoke ValleySawbone ClearingSerpent MoundArbre balise (I)Arbre balise (II)Arbre balise (III)Arbre balise (IV)Van Horn Trading PostVieille tombeWillard's Rest
Lemoyne(C) Scarlett Meadows(C) Abandoned ChurchAberdeen Pig FarmArgil RiseBolger GladeCatfish JacksonsClemens CoveClemens PointCompson's SteadDewberry CreekEris FieldFace RockFlat Iron LakeHill Haven RanchLannahechee RiverLonnie's ShackManoir BraithwaiteMattock PondOld Greenbank MillOld Harry FenOld Trail RisePleasanceRadley's HouseRadley's PastureRhodesRobard FarmRingneck CreekSiltwater StrandSouthfield Flats
Bayou Nwa(C) Bayall EdgeCaliga HallCrawdad WilliesFishing SpotHagen OrchardsLagrasLakayLannahechee RiverMacomb's EndMerkins WallerPrinz & Co.Quincy Harris Memorial HallSaint DenisShady BelleTiny ChurchThe Grand KorriganVictory Street Station
Bluewater Marsh(C) Canebreak ManorCopperhead LandingHouseboatKamassa RiverLannahechee RiverPénitencier de SisikaTrapper's Cabin
West Elizabeth(C) Big Valley(C) Aéronef accidentéAppleseed Timber CompanyArbres à visagesBard's CrossingBeryl's DreamBlack Bone ForestCimetière indienDakota RiverDiablo RidgeFort RiggsHanging Dog RanchHawks Eye CreekLenora ViewLittle Creek RiverLone Mule SteadMonto's RestMount ShannObélisqueOld Tom's BlindOs de baleineOwanjilaOwanjila DamPainted SkyPronghorn RanchRiggs StationRituel païenShepherds RiseStilt ShackStrawberryTaxidermist HouseUpper Montana RiverValley ViewVetter's EchoWallace OverlookWallace StationWatson's Cabin
Great Plains(C) Beecher's HopeBlackwaterBroken TreeChariots de cirqueDixon CrossingFlat Iron LakeLower Montana RiverQuaker's CoveUpper Montana River
Tall Trees(C) Aurora BasinBearclaw CampChariots de cirqueCochinayEvelyn Miller CampLower Montana RiverManzanita PostMason's BridgeMontana FordNekoti RockTanner's ReachWigwam
New Austin(C) Hennigan's Stead(C) Brittlebrush TrawlButter BridgeDixon CrossingGreenhollowLower Montana RiverMacFarlane's RanchManteca FallsMason's BridgeMescaleroMontana FordPike's BasinStillwater CreekStillwater CabinTanner's SpanThe Old Bacchus PlaceThieves' LandingWarthington Ranch
Cholla Springs(C) ArmadilloCoot's ChapelCritchley's RanchHamlin's PassingJorge's GapLake Don JulioLake Don Julio HouseMercer StationOdd Fellow's RestPleasance HouseRattlesnake HollowRidgewood FarmRiley's ChargeRío del LoboRío del Lobo HouseTwin RocksTwo CrowsVenter's Place
Río Bravo(C) Benedict PassBenedict PointDel Lobo RockFort MercerFrontera BridgePlainviewRepentance RockRío del Lobo Rock
Gaptooth Ridge(C) Abandoned MissionBenedict PointCueva SecaGaptooth BreachRathskeller ForkSan Luis RiverSea of CoronadoSilent SteadSolomon's FollyThe Scratching PostTumbleweed
Guarma(C) AguasdulcesArroyo de la ViboraBahía de la PazCinco TorresEl NidoLa CapillaManicato
Autres Lieux d'intérêtCampsCours d'eauÉtatsRégionsRepaires de bandesVilles
Commerces(C) Magasins généraux S. M. Neely Ship Chandler and GrocerH.R. Putnan's General MerchandiseRiver Traders Pawn Shop
Armureries Armurerie d'ArmadilloArmurerie de Blackwater
Saloons Saloon d'ArmadilloSaloon de Blackwater
Théâtres Blackwater Grand Theater
Tailleurs E.H. Kretzschmar Merchant TailorC.D. Coursey Tailor Clothiers Gents and Ladies Fashions