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A Really Big Bastard is a mission in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Mission Overview[]

Sadie visits John at Beecher's Hope. They leave to hunt down a bounty, Marshall Thurwell, in Tall Trees and discuss other men who have evaded their capture.


With his family now reunited at Beecher's Hope, John enters the living room to find Abigail knitting, one morning. He asks if she's pleased with his efforts, to which she responds that she's pleased, but doesn't forgive his past behavior in jest. Jack then calls his parents out to the front porch, to find that Sadie Adler has arrived to see them. Abigail, though confused as to how John knew Sadie had come, invites her in for lunch, overjoyed to see her again after 8 years.

Later, the group talk and eat together on the front porch. Abigail asks about Sadie's current job, learning that she works as a bounty hunter and gun-for-hire. Sadie attempts to offer a job to John to pay off his bank loans, assuring them that the work is safe, legal and well-paying. Initially, Abigail declines on John's behalf, but soon learns that John was doing exactly this, in his family's absence. John asserts that he desperately needed money and that bounty hunting was the only work he was capable of doing with his skills, but Abigail disapproves because of the danger it could bring to himself and the family, as well as the bad influence it could pose to Jack.

Sadie also reveals she's been tracking Micah down ever since his return to West Elizabeth. Abigail objects even more strongly to the prospect of hunting Micah, given how dangerous he is, his actions within the gang, and the gravity of the repercussions from confronting him. Sadie apologizes for mentioning Micah and backtracks to her original offer.

Abigail asks Sadie about the bounty: Marshall Thurwell, an accountant who robbed his employer in Rhodes and later fled to West Elizabeth. Sadie, once more, reassures Abigail that the job is low risk-high reward. Abigail relents and permits John to accompany Sadie on her bounty hunts, so long as he returns home safely, but maintains her stance on Micah. With Abigail's permission, John and Sadie head for Tall Trees. On the way there, Sadie praises John's efforts in building his ranch and reunion with his family. John also reveals that he intends to propose to and officially marry Abigail, with the engagement ring that Arthur had once proposed to Mary Linton with, long ago. Sadie expresses joy for John, noting how happy her own marriage made her.

Once at Tall Trees, they make their way to Thurwell's camp to search for any clues to his whereabouts, hoping that he hasn't been killed by the Skinner Brothers or the local wildlife. There, they find a set of tracks leading to a dilapidated cabin and find a man's mangled corpse, just outside. John and Sadie look upon the corpse, disturbed, wondering if he was their bounty or not. A voice calls out from the cabin, asking if "it" is gone. The pair aim their guns at the cabin, and ask if the man is Marshall Thurwell, which he confirms he is. Sadie states her intentions, who Thurwell is wanted by and why.

The pair order Thurwell to leave the cabin, to which he complies while asking if "the monster" is gone. Just as he exits, though, the aforementioned monster - revealed to be a giant, heavily scarred grizzly bear - comes out and charges at the pair, knocking them to the ground and frightening them. The bear then runs around and charges back at John, who tries to fire off as many rounds as he can from his gun, but is knocked to the ground, forced to fight for his life as the bear rips and tears at him. As soon as John manages to get the bear off of him, Sadie fires off a final warning shot, finally prompting the bear to clear off.

After the attack, Sadie helps John back on his feet, and go to deal with Thurwell once more. Both furious at what just transpired, and Thurwell's cowardice, Sadie knocks him out, and John ties him up. As the two head for Blackwater, they discuss the danger their work puts them in, with Sadie wondering if she should've brought John along, considering the consequences of any harm befalling him on his family. John reassures her that he took the job knowing the risks and needed the work. They also dispose of two bounty hunters who attempt to steal Thurwell from them, and discuss Micah. Sadie says that she should just take of him alone and that John should just be with his family and his new life, but John is determined to deal with Micah personally. Sadie tells him that rumor has it that Micah is not far away and promises to let John know where he is as soon as she hears something.

They arrive at the police station in Blackwater and drop off Thurwell. Sadie promises to send John's payment to the bank herself and John leaves.

Gold Medal Objectives[]

  • Shoot the bear 4 times as it charges.
  • Headshot both the rival bounty hunters in Dead Eye.
  • Complete within 7 minutes and 15 seconds.

Video Walkthroughs[]

PS4 Version
PC Version


  • It is impossible to kill the bear, no matter the type of ammo, amount of shots, or weaponry used.
  • After the bear attacks John, there will be a short moment of time when John is lying down and pointing the gun at the bear. The player can actually shoot the bear during this time even though the game doesn't require you to.
  • In the earlier patches when the bear starts its charge against the player, it always equipped John's Cattleman Revolver regardless of what weapon you actually had holstered. In the current patch it DOES let players use their current weapon but swaps back to John's Cattleman Revolver or Mauser Pistol during and after the cutscene.
  • If the player has all weapons with all possible upgrades offered by the gunsmith, the game will automatically swap the player's weapon of choice to the M1899 Pistol.
  • Due to its size, location, and strikingly similar appearance, it could be possible that the bear in this mission is Brumas the Bear, a legendary animal from Redemption.
  • When Abigail asks John how many times she has to bury him, this may be a foreshadowing to John's future demise as Abigail and Jack bury John’s body.
  • This is the only mission in the game in which John uses profane language, quoting "fucking monster”, as he is recovering from surviving the bear attack.


Red Dead Redemption 2 mission walkthroughs
Epilogue, Part 2: Beecher's Hope
"Bare Knuckle Friendships""An Honest Day's Labors""Home Improvement for Beginners""The Tool Box""A New Jerusalem""A Quick Favor for an Old Friend""Uncle's Bad Day""The Best of Women""Trying Again""A Really Big Bastard""A New Future Imagined""American Venom"
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Epilogue, Part 1