Red Dead Wiki
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I reckon you could impress me by contributing to it. Don't be shy now.

Bayall Edge is a location featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. It lies in the western part of Bayou Nwa, northwest of Caliga Hall. It consists of a small peninsula curled into a small lake upon which sits the Baygall Edge Shack.


The facade of the building appears worn and derelict. The interior, however, is quite the contrary.

The inside is dark, with numerous paintings scattered around the floor. On the right of the entrance is a long table with candles and a stuffed crow on a podium. Around the room are references to the story and player's choices, such as a nightstand to the left of the entrance which has a poem carved into it about Jimmy Brooks, and whether he lived or not.

In the centre of the room is an unfinished painting, which gradually becomes more complete as the player visits the shack. On the fourth visit, the portrait is finished, and is revealed to be an image of the Strange Man. If the player looks into the mirror to the left of the painting, the Strange Man can briefly be seen standing behind them.


  • In and around Bayall Edge, most notably to the north-west and south-east, can be found Gator Eggs, Lady of the Night Orchid, and Spider's Orchid.


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