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Chu Fuk Choi is a minor character featured in Red Dead Redemption.



Chu Fuk Choi is a Chinese immigrant living in Blackwater Hotel. Not much is known of his background, safe that he apparently works as a banker and a businessman.

Events of Red Dead Redemption[]

Chu Fuk works at the First National Bank of Blackwater, where he can often be found working in the back rooms or at the desks. Sometimes he can be found throwing wood into the potbelly stove in the bank and warming up.

When not at work, he can be found at his hotel room in the Blackwater hotel or sitting on one of the chairs on the bottom floor and talking.

Sometimes he can be found riding a wagon with a briefcase throughout the Great Plains or Tall Trees, seemingly on a business trip.


Folks in Blackwater been nervous about business slowing down.
Chu Fuk's idle talk
I hear there be ghosts from Indian War around Bearclaw Cabin.
Chu Fuk's idle talk
I hear they're having hold-ups by the Wreck of Serendipity.
Chu Fuk
If that one-eyed cowboy comes into the bank again, I know he's gonna rob us.
Chu Fuk, spreading worrisome rumours
I ran into that angry-eyed Indian outside the bank. Sure looks like a killer.
Chu Fuk Choi talking about witnessing a member of Dutch's gang
That Mary big-mouth spreads rumours about everyone. She's no good!
Chu Fuk Choi on a certain gossiper
Leave me alone, please!
Chu Fuk Choi when threatened or attacked
How are you?
Chu Fuk Choi when greeted
Well hello.
Chu Fuk Choi when greeted
Chu Fuk Choi when greeted
I am just a simple man, trying to get by...
Chu Fuk Choi when insulted


  • Unlike most Chinese characters in the game, Chu Fuk Choi rarely ever speaks in Chinese. The only instances he does are when he's assaulted or running away from danger.
  • He wears the same outfit as Zhou.
  • His family name is Chu, while Choi is his first name.
  • In traditional Chinese culture, Chu Fuk Choi would more correctly be spelled Chow Tai Fook, which translates to "good fortune", which could imply that he's well-off with his bank job.
  • His hotel room is the same one that Harold MacDougal occupies during the mission "The Prodigal Son Returns (To Yale)". However, upon closer inspection, one can see that Choi has removed the bible from the briefcase on the bed, likely due to religious reasons.