Civilians are people who are regular bystanders in Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. They will react to the player and the environment. Dishonorable acts will cause them to run to the nearest Law Enforcement NPC. This will incur a bounty until paid, or the player dies, and they will hunt the player down every 24 hours (as fame grows, this will increase to 48 in-game hours).
Civilians in Red Dead Redemption are just the ordinary folk who live in the Western United States and Mexico, not involved in any government, law or criminal organization, however often suffer at the hands of the violence the above groups can cause. With the rapidly approaching technology and federalization, some are better at coping with the death of the old ways than others. Civilians can be male or female of all races and ethnicities, and can be found performing a variety of activities, including working, hunting, drinking and gambling, while others are simply traveling through the countryside or through towns themselves to get to a destination.
Specific types of pedestrians include prostitutes and shopkeepers.
In Red Dead Redemption 2, the intelligence and player interaction civilians is dramatically improved and expanded upon. They are able to have more diverse interaction with the player, more dialogue driven interaction, animations as well as unique reactions to certain scenarios. Unlike in the previous game, they also now have a scripted set of daily activities that the player can intervene in should they choose to. This daily schedule can include everyday actions like sleeping, patrolling the perimeter of a farm or simply working a job until a certain amount of time has passed.
Killing innocent civilians will lower your honor and, if spotted and reported to an authority, may increase your bounty. If a civilian eyewitnesses the player committing a crime they will report him to law enforcement increasing the player's bounty. Civilians can be robbed for money and killed for loot. Many civilians will run and scream after hearing gunfire, however some are armed and will be fight back.
Some civilians will challenge the player to a duel or a gambling game such as poker or horseshoes, and some will ask for help from the player if they are in trouble. Others still may be seen committing criminal behavior such as stealing or about to kill a prostitute, in which case a player with good honor may decide to step in and stop the incident.
- Newspaper vendors can be greeted or antagonized only when they greet you first.
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