The Crow is a species of animal found in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Crows are medium-sized black birds that are often found flying in groups. They are distinguished from Ravens by a shorter beak and a cawing call.
American Crows can be found in virtually all locations, though they are more scarce in New Austin.
As part of the Wildlife Art Exhibition task, "A Better World, A New Friend", a perfect Crow carcass is required to be mailed to Ms. L. Hobbs. In addition, Crows that are feeding on a corpse can be killed to gain progress for Rank 6 of the Survivalist Challenge.
- A perfect Crow can often be seen sitting on a rock next to the Cabin at Aurora Basin, as well as at the dock house near where the Wreck of the Serendipity would be in the original Redemption.
- Small Game Arrows are the ideal ammunition to use for a Perfect quality Crow carcass.
- The shooting competition random encounter serves as a great method to get a lot of Crow carcasses, since the birds the player has to shoot out of the sky are always Crows.
Skin every species of animal in Story Mode.
Study every animal across all states in Story Mode.
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