Red Dead Wiki

Silvery green leaves, used to make a medicinal tea.
In-game description

Desert Sage is a plant found in Red Dead Redemption and is a plant that can be found in Red Dead Redemption 2. It is used in Cooking recipes.


A shrub found in desert areas, it bears purple flowers.


Red Dead Redemption 2[]

Desert Sage scrubs can be identified by the delicate purple floral bracts. The size of these scrubs can range between two to three feet in height. This type of sage can only be found growing to the west of Gaptooth Ridge and in Rio Bravo, New Austin. The plant's medicinal effects can be used to increase your Stamina Core if consumed or crafted into Bitters.[1]

Red Dead Redemption[]

Note: prices listed on this page are based upon the player having neutral honor and playing the game on Normal difficulty. If the player has high honor, the selling price will be Increased by 50% everywhere except Thieves' Landing. Low Honor decreases selling price by 50% everywhere except Thieves' Landing. While playing the game on Hardcore difficulty, money is more scarce and the base, neutral honor price of each item will be slightly lower.

Silvery green leaves, used to make a medicinal tea.

† = Note: This means that the player should not sell any flowers he has collected until he has completed "Flowers for a Lady."

Undead Nightmare[]


It grows out west in and around Gaptooth Ridge. It can be found in abundance directly between Ridgewood Farm and Odd Fellow's Rest. Along with the Butterfly Weed it can be found scattered around Diez Coronas, and scarcely found east of Las Hermanas near Casa Madrugada. It can also be found south of Benedict Point. Another point of interest, but scarcely found, is just a little north west of Torquemada. It is most abundant around Hamlin's Passing and North of there along edge of the map.


Red Dead Redemption 2[]

  • Desert Sage can only be picked after the epilogue since it's only located in New Austin.

Red Dead Redemption[]

  • The Desert Sage is the only plant to appear in both America and Mexico.
  • The Desert Sage is also the most widespread plant appearing in four different regions: Gaptooth Ridge, Cholla Springs, Rio Bravo, and Diez Coronas.
  • A Desert Sage is the Western-most plant in the game, it can be found within the center of the final loop on the road to the South-West of Gaptooth Breach, by the shores of the Sea of Coronado.


Red Dead Redemption 2[]

Red Dead Redemption[]


Red Dead Redemption[]

Gathering plants and flowers contributes toward the following Trophies/Achievements:

Rdr frontiersman
20 gamerscoregamerscore
Bronze bronzebronze
Obtain Legendary rank in any Single Player Ambient Challenge.

100 gamerscoregamerscore
Gold goldgold
Attain 100% in the Single Player Game Completion stat.

Undead Nightmare[]

Gathering Desert Sage contributes toward the following Achievements/Trophies:

Rdr judge a man
30 gamerscoregamerscore
Bronze bronzebronze

Rdr zed's dead baby
40 gamerscoregamerscore
Silver silversilver
Attain 100% Game Completion statistic in Undead Nightmare.

Red Dead Online[]

Gathering these plants contributes to this trophy/achievement:

20 gamerscoregamerscore
Bronze bronzebronze
Pick 25 herbs.


  1. In-game Description.

