If Marstoncaptures or kills a bounty target near Blackwater, Guy will be the officer who transfers the bounty into official custody while Dell Hopkins pays Marston his reward money. However, if Marston himself has an active bounty and kills at least twenty lawmen, Guy and his fellow marshals will track him to all possible locations in New Austin and West Elizabeth with shoot-to-kill orders.
Guy brings them all in.
—Guy Crossfield when Marston has a bounty
You do know I'm Guy Crossfield, right?
—Guy Crossfield
Guy needs help!
—Guy Crossfield while injured
Help, please, you people need me!
—Guy Crossfieldwhile injured
I'm no saloon sheriff, I'm Guy Crossfield, and I don't pander about!
—Guy Crossfield when pursuing Marston
His character model is available in the Outfitter under the name Daren Ward.
Similar to Randolph Knox, Guy has an over inflated ego and often refers to himself in the third person.