The player can unlock Holstein Hal as a playable character in Showdown Mode by completing the mission "Range War" with an Excellent rating or by purchasing the Branding Iron.
Like with his brother, Longhorn Luke, the reward on Holstein Hal is just for show. His boss is my boss, so I can't touch him. Hal ain't smart enough to raise his own cattle, so he just steals them from honest folk.
Hal and his brother Longhorn Luke are the sons of Bartrum Longhorn. They are hired thugs for Griffon.
According to Sheriff Bartlett, Holstein Hal had a bounty of $500 for harassment and rustling.
Events of Red Dead Revolver[]
Hal and his brother show up at Stoakes' Ranch to drive Annie Stoakes off her property after the rest of Griffon's hired thugs have been defeated. The player must fight them while playing as Annie. Red Harlow does not encounter them.
Holstein Hal is listed in Sheriff Bartlett's Journal on pages 152 - 153 under the Wanted - Dead or Alive section. The pages are unlocked by unlocking his showdown character by either of the methods noted above.
Hahahaha! Orale.
—Holstein Hal
I killed him dead! He's so dead!
—Holstein Hal winning in Showdown
Yeehaw! I killed him.
—Holstein Hal winning in Showdown on Whistles
—Holstein Hal while chasing Annie
Ayyy, ¿porque porque? Why???
—Holstein Hal when killed
Occasionally a glitch might in which in Hal will be unlocked already as a playable character in Showdown Mode along with another antagonist character, without being required to complete "Range War" first.
Another bug in "Range War" results in Hal's name being switched with his brother's nickname Buff.
Since his father's surname was Longhorn, Holstein's full name is assumed to be Hal Longhorn.