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Red Dead Redemption:
Liars and Cheats
achievement and trophy

In a Van Down By the River
Rdr van down river
Description In a Multiplayer Poker game, win a hand on the last card when you were losing prior.
Gamer Score 5 gamerscoregamerscore
Trophy Type Bronze bronzebronze
Downloadable content Liars and Cheats

In a Van Down By the River is an achievement/trophy in the Red Dead Redemption Liars and Cheats DLC pack.


In a Multiplayer Poker game, win a hand on the last card when you were losing prior.


This can easily be obtained by playing many poker hands until the last card has been placed on the table.


  • The fifth and last card dealt in a hand of Texas Hold'em is known as "the River."
  • The name of this trophy/achievement is a quote from Matt Foley, a down-on-his-luck motivational speaker played by the late Chris Farley in comedy sketches on Saturday Night Live (SNL).