Red Dead Wiki

The Legendary Sockeye Salmon is a rare species of fish found in Red Dead Redemption 2.


The Legendary Sockeye Salmon can be found in Lake Isabella. Fishermen have reported that the best way to attract this fish is with Special Lake Lures on an overcast day. Rumors suggest that the size of this Sockeye Salmon could be around fifty inches long and weighing over fifty pounds.[1]


This fish can be found exclusively in Lake Isabella. specifically between the two L's in Isabella standing on the ice sheet facing north.


The popup after catching the salmon lists both the special lake and river lures as being good for the sockeye, but users have also reported that the special swamp lure can catch the salmon. It is recommended to try switching lures if the salmon isn't biting, also the salmon can be seen in the water if it's able to be caught. its bright red color and thick body stands out from the long skinny grayish red muskie that also inhabit the lake.


References []

  1. In-game description

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