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Otis Miller and the Arabian Prince is a book found in Red Dead Redemption 2.


No. 23 In a Series of Original Tales of Otis Miller's Adventures

The tent flaps blowing in the dusty desert breeze, Otis fought at the ropes that had his hands tied behind his back and made a face.

He began rocking back and forth in his chair, finally falling backwards with a thud and a groan.

What do you aim to do?

Otis peered over at Raul’s boots,

I aim to get free of these ropes,

I have something that can assist you, Otis Miller.

Oh is that so, Raul? You’re the sorriest guide I’ve ever laid eyes on!

Like how you assisted us in getting caught in the first place? I traveled thousands of miles to chase down the finest horse in the world and you run us right over that ridge into a caravan of hostile Arabian Horsemen,

I don’t know if I cotton to your idea of assistance.

I have a knife in my boot, the sultan’s men missed it when they searched me.

That’s the best news I’ve heard all day, Raul. Did you plan on keeping such news to yourself?

I’m telling you now,

Otis spat in the dirt, He hobbled over inch by inch in the dust with the chair tied to him until he could shimmy backwards and on to his side and stretch his fingers into the top of Raul’s boot and secure the knife, He turned it upwards and slowly began to saw at the ropes,

Once free, Otis grabbed a gourd floating in a pot of water and drank,

What now, Otis Miller?

I plan to hop on one of those camels and ride that thing back in the direction I came.

Then I plan to get on that boat and steam back to America where it rains once in a while and the food don’t taste so dang foul,

The kid looked at him and smiled,

Otis Miller dose not give up,

He drew up the gourd full of water and poured it over his head and put his hat back on.

He peered through the dusty light.

This place is hotter than Escalera in July, And from the looks of things, it’s planning to dust storm, Get what you can carry let’s hightail it out of here.

They emerged from behind the tent flaps into the scorching desert sun. Otis hunkered down and moved slowly towards the camel hobbled nearby,

Otis! A shout came from behind him, He wheeled around to see Raul’s face screwed up in horror, peering down at the curved sword emerging from his chest, Otis had is pistol out in a flash and shot the Arab murderer between the eyes, The man fell backwards, pulling his sword with him, as Raul fell to his knees and clutched his chest.

Suddenly two other sword wielding masked men pounced on Otis, He rolled around in the sand, fighting for his life, avoiding blades more by luck than judgement as they tried to kill him, slowly, they overpowered him, The hot breath of the Arab scorched his face as a knife was placed to his throat.

Now you die, Otis Miller,

The blade cut into the flesh of his throat and a bead of blood rolled down his collar, but just as he was about to breathe no more,

A shot rang out and the sword-wielding maniac fell dead on top of Otis, He scrambled up to get out from under the dead man and peered up at the man holding a smoking revolver in one hand and sword pointed at Otis in the other,

I am Sultan Abdullah Rahman,

You the law round here?

I am not

What caused you to dispatch that feller on top of me?

Because you are no use to me dead, Otis Miller,

Otis squinted in a burning sun and looked at the man in flowing robes,

It is true my Arabian horses are the finest in the world, They are the hardest to break, but they are the fastest and fiercest in battle, and will show you loyalty the rest of your life,

The Arabian Prince helped Otis up,

I will send you back to America with one of my finest steeds, Otis Miller,

How did you come by such a notion? I came to steal one of your horses.

Oh, I know, Otis Miller, I have read of you. The most ferocious gunslinger in the world, And you are going to help me kill my brother, He stole my fortune and my wives, come, let’s feast"
