The Pleasance Church is a church in Red Dead Redemption 2. It is located in Pleasance and its property also includes a graveyard.
The church was established in August 1883 and served the inhabitants of Pleasance. In September of that year, a brutal massacre occured, leaving the church and the entire town abandoned.
Events of Red Dead Redemption 2[]
The church can be visited at any time after the mission "Eastward Bound"
Known Graves[]
Jimmy Hawson Killed by Knife Wound Sept. 17th 1883 Age 15 Years May He Find Eternal Peace in Heaven |
Daniel Curley Gone Fishing on Sept. 17th, 1883 |
Glenn Yeatman Killed by Knife Wound September 1883 Aged 16 Years Taken too soon |
Curtis Baines Born January 1822 Murdered September 1883 His Love was taken from him by Hate |
Edmund Tobin Born July 1854 Killed by Gunshot September 1883 Aged 29 Yrs. |
Leora Yeatman Killed by Gunshot September 1883 Aged 36 Yrs. A dear Wife & Mother |
Jessie Yeatman Murdered Septmber 1883 Aged 14 Yrs. A tragic Loss of a beautiful Soul |
Asa Hawson Found Murdered Sept. 1883 Age 34 Years Beloved Mother |
Amelia Curley Died of a Gunshot to the Head Sept. 1883 Aged 66 Yrs. |
Ronald Yeatman Killed by Gunshot September 1883 Aged 43 Yrs. Loving Father & Husband |