Red Dead Wiki

The Pleasance Church is a church in Red Dead Redemption 2. It is located in Pleasance and its property also includes a graveyard.



The church was established in August 1883 and served the inhabitants of Pleasance. In September of that year, a brutal massacre occured, leaving the church and the entire town abandoned.

Events of Red Dead Redemption 2[]

The church can be visited at any time after the mission "Eastward Bound"

Known Graves[]

Jimmy Hawson
Killed by Knife Wound
Sept. 17th 1883
Age 15 Years
May He Find Eternal Peace in Heaven
Daniel Curley
Gone Fishing
on Sept. 17th, 1883
Glenn Yeatman
Killed by Knife Wound
September 1883
Aged 16 Years
Taken too soon
Curtis Baines
Born January 1822
Murdered September 1883
His Love was taken from him by Hate
Edmund Tobin
Born July 1854
Killed by Gunshot
September 1883
Aged 29 Yrs.
Leora Yeatman
Killed by Gunshot
September 1883
Aged 36 Yrs.
A dear Wife & Mother
Jessie Yeatman
Murdered Septmber 1883
Aged 14 Yrs.
A tragic Loss of a beautiful Soul
Asa Hawson
Found Murdered Sept. 1883
Age 34 Years
Beloved Mother
Amelia Curley
Died of a Gunshot to the Head
Sept. 1883
Aged 66 Yrs.
Ronald Yeatman
Killed by Gunshot
September 1883
Aged 43 Yrs.
Loving Father & Husband

